Friday, 31 December 2021

New years Eve, Looking, Not Seeing. (Revised & Completed).

 I look into the mirror,
My old face stares back at me
Mocking who I think I am;

Yet the boy I was still haunts my hopes
Swimming wildly out to sea,
Then reluctantly returning.

Through my heart dark clouds are drifting,
But a single rose still blooms tonight
In the chill depths of my garden.

I rarely go out into the garden,
Its like a foreign country to me;
I no longer understand who I think I am.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
31st. December 2021. - 14th. January 2022.

Thursday, 23 December 2021

Rapunzel Reads the I Ching.

That girl who threw a fistful of square white stones
Every morning early
To read the I Ching before her aunt awoke,
Demanding toast with honey as she checked the morning headlines.
Demanding a weekly Beano sent up on a silver platter.
When did she last throw that handful of old stones,
And what pattern did they make where they fell
On the threadbare carpet in her small bedroom?
Did they prophecy love or a sudden early demise?

It seems she abruptly ceased to socialize,
Keeping the one door locked - pulling down the blinds -
Living off junk food delivered after dark
By a strange stooped man with a limp and a single eye,
A sort of Rumplestiltskin lookalike
Who spied for her aunt while serving up the pies.
The aunt, some say, eats little girls and boys,
That`s why Rapunzel had bolted all the doors.

It is said each night she let her hair hang down
In golden shreds out of her first floor window
To be climbed by a lover smart enough for the task.
A teen aged princeling? - A Rock God in pink loafers? -
A roofer light on his feet?
But I treat these tales as hearsay, ridiculous tittle - tattle,
Fake news that has tumbled twice around the stars
Before burning up attempting a clean reentry.

The rumour is that she has had a baby,
A big plump boy with lots of golden curls
And a cheeky smile wide as the Firth of Forth.
Single mums are not uncommon in her family. -
But her lesbian aunt would certainly not approve,
That is if Rumplestiltskin spilled the beans.
And now I hear she has scarpered from the tower,
Run off with her lover, whoever he might be,
Deep into the forest late at night.

What is certain is that her aunt was taken into custody
A day or two back. Something about the contents of her pies
And the lifelike appearance of her gingerbread men.
Also a bag full of golden hair was found in the kitchen,
Alongside a babies rattle and a pair of pink loafers.
And it turns out that Rumplestiltskin was working for the Yard.
And so we now must await the court appearance
To discover who told the truth,- and who told lies. 

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 23rd. -  30th. December 2021.- May 28th. 2024.

Thursday, 16 December 2021

Solstice Nativity.(Newly Completed Version).

The daylight is too subtle at this time of year.
I prefer bright colours -  Odilon Redon on speed
Cutting to the heart of the matter
With the prism blade of his art.

Jesus is the god of sunlight,
He exists in the colours of the rainbow - the song of the Lark
Soaring into an intensity of blue
That almost blinds us as we look due east.

The Wise Men came from the east,
Following a star to find a child in a stable - a baby in rags
Sleeping among horses and cattle,
An innocent among the most innocent of creatures,

A small bundle of love and rainbow light
Born without language, just a scream of pain
When he cries to his mother out of the depths of hunger
In the cruel dark chill of winter.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
16th. December 2021. 
9th. January 2022.

Sunday, 12 December 2021

Friday, 3 December 2021

The Taiko (Drum) Bridge, Winter. (Revised).

This is how the year ends,
This is how hopes fall apart.

Thin black lines scratched on white paper
Indicate a bridge, a hill, a forest,
A village deep in snow.
No smoke rises above the steep white roofs
That seem to grow straight up from the frozen earth
Like plants left out for the winter.
The walls of the houses are hidden beneath the
And not one door or window can be spied.

The cold feet of the weary travellers
Have not been sketched, or even indicated
By the quick hand of the 19th. century artist
Who often worked with one eye on the clock.
He was concerned that drifts were deep that year,
And getting prints out to his rural punters
Was not be an easy task.
The transport system was somewhat rudimentary.

The travellers trudge towards the snowbound village
Neatly built behind a pale red fence,
On a bend of the mountain road,
A road not wide enough for laden horses.
This fence, it seems, is the only dash of colour
The artist splashed on an almost monochrome scene, -
Monochrome, that is, apart from the lifeless river
Reflecting exactly the blueness of the sky.

No traveller has a companion to converse with,
It seems every man is left to fend for himself
In the infinite solitudes
Of this desolate road that climbs the frozen heights,
But this is how an old year generally ends,
On a lonely day when Hope is clad in tatters.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
December 2nd. - 3rd. 2021.

Hiroshige print illustrating December on my 2021 Calendar.

Saturday, 27 November 2021

The Forest Knight. - A Winter Parable. (Newly Completed Poem).

A strange flower from the sleeping forest.

Deep in sleep I am often a child
Observing through mirrors alternative worlds.

I see the Green Knight transform into a tree,
He dies into the beauty of Autumnal forests
As he dreams alone 
Through the long cold nights
Of glittering frosts and frozen rivers.

The mistletoe ascending his new grown branches,
Weighs lighter than the leather reins
He once used to master his armour clad horses
As he forced them ruthlessly into battle
Through arrow storms that hid the sun.

But sudden wounds felled him when trees grew wise
And dragged him to earth as he rode between them
Planning to fight wars in ancient groves
Sacred to the hares and foxes.

Sacred to his hawks and horses
That roamed free once his grip was broken. 

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
27th. - 28th. - 30th. November 2021

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

The Suijin Temple Grove, Uchikawa.

Mist - Red sky
Boats drift in no wind -
Sailors leaning on poles
That momentarily bend like bows
When locked into stones
Lost beneath waves
Barely moving

Air still as summer
But chill as frost on glass
Chapping raw the cheek bones
Of sailors seeking refuge
On the distant shore -
Far away the mountains
Appear impossible to reach

As in a mirror darkly
I view this dreamlike scene
Made distant
By the curve of the frame
That bends both time and space -
An autumn tree in blossom
Defies all rules of reason

I can smell December in the evening air

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
24th. November 2021.
Hiroshige Print illustrating the month of November on my 2021 Calendar.

Wednesday, 10 November 2021


November blues.
I am learning at last to mourn for my life,
Something I have never done before
However bleak the season,
However sad the news.

I am a summer person,
That time of year when blind hope re-emerges
From the tight cocoon
That winter wraps around it like a bandage
While the bright wings form.

Hope is love reborn.-
But last night I learned the girl with laughing eyes
Had knocked back her last glass of champagne,
Packed away her typewriter and papers
And quietly slipped out into the cool mists,

The silent mists of autumn.-
Farewell old friend, you were closer than I thought
To the deep sad core of my restless being.
A sort of sister, adopted at first sight,
You have taken part of my truth to the stars.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
November 10th. 2021.

For Maureen, 1934 - 2021.

Saturday, 6 November 2021

Instant Love. (Revised Ending).

You grab my lap as your kingdom
Hot threads of hair burn my lips
Your forehead pressed against mine
So hard we are both bruised.
So this is instant love, inevitable and
A sudden visceral war.
                                    I request a truce,
Needing to readjust, to find my equilibrium,
That quiet mood I was accustomed to
Before you sashayed into my living space
Tearing my days apart.
But you`ll have none of this,
You know that you have won,
And dare not give up an inch of stolen

Is love always like this?
You kick off your high heels, then make
                                     yourself at home.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
November 2nd. - 6th. 2021.

Saturday, 30 October 2021

Trevor J Potter's Art: Pauline. (Completed Poem).

Trevor J Potter's Art: Pauline. (Completed Poem).: Grief lasts for a lifetime. After fifty two years I am still grieving for you. When I saw your self portrait made from stained glass I...

Intimate Music. A Love Poem. (Completed Version).

You are my closest truth
My harp 
My cello
I cleave you to my breast
And make new music with you

I am your voice
You are my real voice also
The grace notes
Our inner melody
Our Song of Songs
Our Psalms

When I touch the notes awake
Truly I become you
And you become me also

You are all that makes love real
My harp
My cello
I cleave you to my life
And make true music with you

Never a discordant interval
Never a note out of place

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
October 30th. November 2nd. 2021.
My true love is both harp and cello, depending on the time of day.

Thursday, 28 October 2021

All Hallows Eve.

Struggling light. Twilight dissolves the day
Deep into mists of memory.
I watch the sunset darkening the garden,
Draining the autumnal colours of that vivacity
Death lends to the edge of life.
A black wall denser than the darkest night
Descends, separating the mild months from old
With an almost fatal finality.
We cannot step back through the wall to summer,
Time is a one way ticket however hard we argue.

The leaves are beginning to drop, cover the asphalt
With a moist carpet slippery as ice floes,
Next April almost implied by their transient beauty.
Beneath the fallen leaves a pile of surgical masks,
Used once, then quietly dumped without due care
By families walking to and from the school.
Their pale blue makes me fear the sky may fall.
I will never stoop to clear away these masks,
They reference undisclosed infections
Known only to the people who have worn them.

I open the front door, it is time to re-enter the house.
My supper is already cooked, I have only to reheat it.
I wipe my feet on the mat, but keep on my surgical mask
Before I know for certain I am alone.
In the quiet of the evening I imagine footsteps behind me.
Friend or foe? - Neighbour or would be thief?
The street lights flick on suddenly their silver tinted dawn.
My shadow glides before me into the hall.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
October 27th. - 28th. 2021.
I have always found the few days at the end of October and the beginning of November to be wierdly claustrophobic. A time shadowed by regrets.

Friday, 22 October 2021

Trevor J Potter's Art: Pauline. (Revised Poem).

Trevor J Potter's Art: Pauline. (Revised Poem).: Grief lasts for a lifetime. After fifty two years I am still grieving for you. When I saw your self portrait made from stained glass I...

Thursday, 21 October 2021

Trevor J Potter's Art: Family Photographs..

Trevor J Potter's Art: Family Photographs..: These photographs are merely cheap paper icons, Mementoes to hang up on a wall,  display in a book. Mementoes that fade in a decade or tw...

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Pauline Remembered. (Revised).

I will show you the photographs
But they can only give you a false impression.
Pre-digital cameras were not able to reveal
The delicate patterns flicked over her flawless skin
When winter sunlight filtered through high windows
And woke us from deep sleep.
The small hints of a mood change in her thoughtful eyes
Could perhaps be replicated by an artist
On canvas or on paper,
But the cameras that we used in the nineteen sixties
Were far too clumsy, the shutters far too slow
To register such delicate shifts in mood,
The sudden laughter and smiles - followed by a kiss.

Therefore these photographs can only hint at
The love that was so private, so much of who we were
In those two short years that we spent together -
Before she died of cancer - aged just twenty eight.
But I still recall the tenderness of her fingers
Stroking my face and fidgeting my hair
When I bent forward to kiss her on the shoulder
With that shy tenderness only young folk show.
And sometimes I can almost touch her in the dark
As though she were alive in the room beside me
In the quiet moments before I fall asleep. -
That is only wishful thinking, I try to tell myself,
But sometimes her voice seems closer than my heartbeats.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
February 21st. - 22nd. 2019. - October 19th. 2021.
Although we knew each other for nine years, it was only during the last two or three years of her life that we drew close together.

Thursday, 14 October 2021

Recalling Two Artists, Pauline and Sharon.

Broken shards of porcelain litter 
The back lots of my life.

Two loves I thought would last a lifetime
Lost to ruthless history.

Two flawless porcelain figurines
Smashed in the yard at the furnace door.

Even the photographs I am left with
Fading on the kitchen wall.

Memories disintegrate into shadow,
Become unreal, detached from life,

Become like scattered porcelain shards
Too wrecked to be fixed back together.

And friends who die, have died forever,
We cannot recall them - with love - with tears.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
14th. October 2021.

Thursday, 7 October 2021

Trevor J Potter's Art: My Home Is Europe. (ReWritten Poem)

Trevor J Potter's Art: My Home Is Europe. (ReWritten Poem): Once upon a time I had a dream.  I dreamed Europe was a single country,  No borders to cross,  No passports needed,  Every European an equal...

Wednesday, 6 October 2021

Trevor J Potter's Art: My Home Is Europe. (New Poem)

Trevor J Potter's Art: My Home Is Europe. (New Poem): Once upon a time I had a dream.  I dreamed Europe was a single country,  No borders to cross,  No passports needed,  Every European an equal...

Tuesday, 5 October 2021

It Takes Two to Dream.- A Lyric.

I dreamt of you all night
But we have never met
Only spoken on the telephone.

I dreamt of you all night.

Perhaps we could be partners
If we meet - Or useful friends -
Or simply wave across a busy street.

I dreamt of you all night.

Is that your face
Outside my bedroom window
Or just a trick of the morning light?

Would I recognise you if we meet?

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
October 5th. 2021.

Friday, 1 October 2021

Maiko Beach, Harima Province, October. (Completed Version).

Storms and earthquakes stretched the trees
Into shattered hands scratching at a sky
Wounded by the dying light
Of a cold October sun. I enter this picture
                                                       at dusk
Just like Alice drifting through the mirror,
Dissolving the skin thick glass of perception
With outstretched hands that reach out for
                                                     the prize
Of a more interesting world than the one we
                                                         live in.

A maze would be far easier to negotiate than
                                                   this forest,
I find that every path is blocked by gnarled
                                              trunks of trees
And their ancient interlaced branches.
The pale blue bay remains a hazy mirage,
Slowly darkening as the dusk comes on,
Four minutes earlier each October evening.

I planned that the distant boats should be my 
But now they must remain forever out of reach,
Two small sails heading to the far shore
Where the grass, of course, is greener.
I step back from the picture and rub my eyes.
Like Alice I have to come to terms with life
Now that the sun has set, and my world shrinks
                                                back to one room
In the narrow shell of a suburban semi detached.
But why can I now see people and their houses
In that painted wood, that I failed to see before?
Perhaps my terms of reference were too shallow.
Perhaps I only saw what I wanted to see.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
1st. - 2nd. October 2021.

Poem No. 10. Hiroshige print illustrating October in my 2021 Calendar.

Friday, 24 September 2021

Seashore at Hoda. (Revised).

 In the background
The pastel sea is calm
Speckled with white sailed boats.

In the foreground
Rough waves scourge the rocks
With turbulent whips of salt.

Two lone men walk the narrow path
Between the broken cliff face and the sea.
They are separated by a gulf in time
At least a century wide,
Unbridgeable to them,
But to me - visible in a single glance.
The cliff face towering high above their heads
Appears to have been gouged by giant claws,
Or the teeth of dragons fighting for their lives.
There is only the slightest breeze this evening,
Just enough to keep the boats in motion.

September paleness,
The sea a pastel blue
That I have only seen in films and fading dreams,
And the sky is split into three shelf like layers,
Indigo - Duck Egg Blue - a misty shade of Orange.
The darkest colour - a thick band at the top of the page.

The distant shoreline seems blurred and indistinct,
A smudge of green indicating hills
With perhaps a town or two.
And high above all, transparent in the orange light,
Mount Fuji stands, a god without a conscience,
An ice cold Buddha keeping all his secrets,
Sketched with three thin lines of printers ink.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
September 24th. 2021.
Poem No.9, Month of September, ref my calendar illustrated by Hiroshige prints. 

Thursday, 23 September 2021

September Sunset. (Revised).

Autumn in the air. Although I refuse to take note
Of the slow decline of late summer sunlight
Into a watery softness,
                                     I have switched the heating on
                                                          from time to time
And packed my sunglasses away until next year.
I cannot yet face the sadness of falling leaves,
Rain drops on my dirty windows meandering like tears.

                                        I do not want summer to end
And so I try to imagine that the days are still as warm 
As in the last week of July.
Then the slow easing down into deep August.
Then the parks filled with children running wild,
Their mothers picnicking at a safe distance.
Dogs, scampering off their knotted leashes,
Chased by irate owners.

Yet already I am nostalgic for mid winter pastimes,
Tchaikovsky on the CD Player conjuring magic snow,
Books open on the kitchen table, the pages, stained and
Bent back to mark some paragraphs of interest,
Whole sentences underlined with pen or pencil.
I rarely open books in spring or summer.
When the sun is high books are left on shelves,
Their ageing covers fading in the glare.

But September is here now, neither summer nor winter.
A picturesque interlude, a time of waiting, of watching
                                                                       the apples ripen.
(Smart children sneak into my neighbours garden
To clamber quietly up into the branches).
And so, having closed my books, I sit by the door and listen
To the quiet voices of strangers in the street
Strolling at ease, unhurried while the daylight lasts.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
September 12th. - 13th. - 14th. - 23rd.- 24th.  2021.

Thursday, 9 September 2021

Primitive London, The Scene in the One Tun Goodge Street. (Revised).

Watching that old film was a mistake.
My pictured friends - blurred images
Animated to an analogue soundtrack.
My on screen presence - confined to a Scene
Long since revised for the history buffs.
Truth left rotting on the Cutting Room floor
To make more space for reductive legends,
Legends filtered through static and snowfall
That reconfigure a well known view.
Everything I knew turned upside down
To fake a sanitised story.

When I review mementoes of the nineteen sixties
I view them as shadows, the shadows of dead dreams
Darkening the gentrified inner city neighbourhoods
With stains of hidden histories.
When I wander through Soho, or Fitzroy Square,
I search for landmarks that are no longer there,
Airbrushed out of time,
Their relevance disregarded.
This was my home patch, my manor so to speak,
When I was a wannabe poet and actor
Trying to get laid, and sometimes writing songs.

I was twenty years old, I knew every backyard,
Every cul-de-sac, every alley and stair well.
I knew that fetid archway near Rathbone Place
Where junkies hunched close in clandestine huddles
In fear of the shadows of passing strangers.
I watched them slope off to derelict stables
Where they slept on floors in old sleeping bags.

I spent some afternoons in the Greek Cafe,
And that is where I first met my girlfriend.
She offered me an apple across the round table
As we sat sipping Turkish Coffee.

Watching that film was a bad mistake.
Some faces on screen are lifelike ghosts
That I can pin names to, but never meet.
Big John is dead, so too is Jailer Mick,
And also, I suppose, kids I can`t now name,
Scoffing at the camera to mock their audience,
And that right now - alas - is me.
And they were right to scoff, 
I can no longer lord it in that crowded Bar
Although my image stands out on the screen.
I am a passing stranger - an old face at the door.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
August 13th. - 14th. - September 8th. - 9th. 2021 - March 9th. 2022.

Monday, 30 August 2021

Limbo Land. (Corrected Version).

Cold for late August.
Although in full leaf
Trees appear starkly desolate
Against the grey sky.
Perhaps they will change into the barbed webs of winter
More quickly than we would expect.

Since that bad accident
It seems that you may need a carer
For much of your adult life.
A girl who suffers fierce seizures
Can rarely be left untended
For more than an hour or so.
The doors that were kept wide open for you
Slammed shut when your injuries were known.

I sit alone by the window
Watching the trees bend and twist in the wind
Like dancers with chains on their feet.
We two are shackled,
Kept far apart by the hidden fault
Deep in the folds of your brain.
After nearly two years in the hospital
Your home coming will be strictly monitored.

I sit alone by the window.
The oaks in the garden opposite
Have not been hacked by a tree surgeon
For maybe a decade or more.
I note how strong they have grown
In the years since they last were treated.
Indeed they have grown taller than the houses.
At dawn and sunset they fill with birdsong.

Cold for late August.
So like a mausoleum
This house echoes to my voice
As I talk to myself in my loneliness.
Perhaps this Fall the funds will be made ready
To make safe spaces for you to come home to.
Waiting is not a chore
Either of us do well.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
August 30th. - September 2nd. - 7th. 2021.
I like to write how people, self included, usually speak, not constructing a logical sequence of ideas, statements and images, but in a natural free flow. This poem is dedicated to Ivy who has been in hospital since early 2020 because of her epilepsy.

Saturday, 28 August 2021

Trevor J Potter's Art: The Raw Coffee Bean.(Revised Ending)

Trevor J Potter's Art: The Raw Coffee Bean.(Revised Ending): Last night I chewed on a coffee bean, Crunching it between my front teeth Until the flavours oozed out                                  ...

Thursday, 19 August 2021

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Monday, 16 August 2021

Trevor J Potter's Art: Guernica Tapestry. (Revised).

Trevor J Potter's Art: Guernica Tapestry. (Revised).: Bulls run amok through the lanes  Destroying shop fronts, door frames, fences In a cascade of implacable terror. Lights flash on and off in ...

Monday, 9 August 2021

Trevor J Potter's Art: Betrayals and Redemption. (Revised).

Trevor J Potter's Art: Betrayals and Redemption. (Revised).: Infidelity creates poetry,                but don`t try it. Love that is certain overcomes pain and treachery But innocence is kinder, les...

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Guernica Tapestry. (Completed).

Bulls run amok through the lanes 
Destroying shop fronts, door frames, fences
In a cascade of implacable terror.
Lights flash on and off in all the houses
Until the rooftops shear off in flames.
Opened hands imploring skywards,
Stretch high as if to catch the bombs
That drench the town in molten tears.
A felled horse screams, her backbone severed.

A woman clasps a dying infant,
Her wild eyes fixed on yesterday,
Tomorrow cancelled, the clocks all melted,
Time dissolved as morning implodes.
Invincible in their sleek new bombers,
Airmen usurp the irascible gods
Who once ruled Europe in thunder and earthquake.
Even the chariot that carried the sun
Has spiraled to earth, impelled by their powers.

The deified airmen soar like Condors
On wings that glitter in the morning light.
The woman cradling the dying infant
Half blind watches the aircraft depart.
It made no sense that such elegant aircraft
Were manufactured simply to slaughter;
She had dreamt such beauty could only be good,
But now it was real it had killed her world.
She sees the hurt horse writhing and kicking.
She lets out a cry that echoes and echoes.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter,
August 4th. - 6th. - 16th. 2021.

I saw the tapestry version of Guernica in the Whitechapel Art Gallery when it was shown there in April 2010. The images terrified me. The aircraft are not represented in the picture but the people on the ground during the attack could see them clearly because thet were flying quite low. In some ways rocket attacks are more terrifying due to the very short warnings that the people in the target areas get. But what a terrible waste of engineering skills these rockets are!

Sunday, 1 August 2021

Three Lotus Blooms - Three Poems. One Hundred Famous Views of Edo. Minowa, Kanasugi at Mikawashima,


Fan shaped wing spread wide,
A heron with her neck arched back
Dives towards the blue wave.


Could life be this simple again?
A distant village of paper houses
Sleeps by the waters edge.
No gas, no electricity, no speeding cars
Burning up the tarmac in the evening light.
No radios blaring jazz from upstairs
No American English spoken.
Could life be so calm - so quiet again?
The only sounds the evening songs of birds
Intermingled with occasional conversations
As people meet to watch the stars come out.
Half lost in shadow, a solitary man is strolling
Close to the shore, keeping his thoughts to
A wading heron calls out in sudden alarm.


The hunting heron dives from a red sky.
A single blurred cloud of early autumn
Shadows the warm waters.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter,
1st. - 17th. -19th. August 2021.
Poem No. 8, Month of August, from illustrations on my 2021 Calendar by Hiroshige.
I have been studying this print every day throughout August and every day I find some new detail. So I now have three interconnected poems not just the single Haiku type poem that I began with on the first of the month. The Three Lotus Blooms refer to three meditations. 

Saturday, 31 July 2021

View of Kajikoyama, Inaba Province.

A poem is a painting in embryo.
I sketch black or grey lines on white paper
As witness to scenarios in my head,
A quilted landscape of interweaved colours
That would dazzle any sleepers, old or infant,
Trying to get some sorely needed rest.

No paintbox can provide paints bright enough
When a clear account needs to be provided
Of scenes drifting by my inner eye,
Or what I witness when I`m wide awake
And staring glum out of the back room window
At rain zipping through the July gardens,
Tearing blooms to shreds.

So I must revert to words scratched on cheap paper
To try and get my thoughts into your head
Because my paint brush cannot work the trick
To show you what I mean.

I thought at first the picture on my calendar
Lacked clear focus, lacked any depth or truth,
Yet this print by Hiroshige is so dream like
It seems to me he mastered a technique
To paint with inks the world transgressed by visions
To make it magical.

For some reason trees are flowering in July,
Maytime translated to the height of summer.
The turquoise bay, ice still, no white waves curling,
Recalls a mirror reflecting only sky.
The islands are stone ships that travel nowhere.
The pink and yellow houses look like boxes
Stacked in line below the opulent hill,
And not a single person walks the green land.

If I could paint one scene like Hiroshige,
Emulate his timelessness and space,
I would burn every word that I have written
On my backyard bonfire of the vanities
And set to making prints.
My thoughts would then connect straight with your thoughts,
Drifted to you on a raft of colours.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
31st. July 2021.
Poem No. 7 month of July, Hiroshige series of illustrations on my 2021 calendar.

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

By the Local Post Box. (Revised).

Meeting an ex pupil of mine after nearly 26 years, 
Then a child struggling with Album fur die Jugend,
Now a young woman, coolly walking her dachshund,
Schumann off her mind, husband at home fixing something,
But still the same voice,
Still the same awkward mannerisms,
Still the same keeping her distance
As though, once being her teacher, my pedestal remained
A marble plinth too high for her to climb.
But still the questioning eyes,
Still the openness that was not really open,
Still the same quiet respect, the almost filial love
That left me strangely scared, exposed to ridicule
Because I feared I knew less than she thought, and that others
                                                              should have taught her.
She mentioned she has a daughter
Who cant keep away from the keyboard.
I had to admit I can no longer teach piano,
My fingers have lost dexterity, I can no longer stretch them wide.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
July 24th. - 28th. 2021. 

Saturday, 24 July 2021

Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Monday, 19 July 2021

Flowers on the Bare Hill. (Completed Poem).

Jesus crucified amidst a symphony of flowers.
A song of sudden colours, of windblown music.
The birds silent as the sky turns sombre,
Imperial purple blinding the sun.
And yet strangely luminous the deepest of
Midnight interwoven with noon.

Clematis and buttercups.
Apple blossom and winged seeds.
Asters and daffodils.
Tulips and Chrysanthemums.
Flowers from every season, from every continent
On the skull white rocks of this desert hillside
Used for day to day executions.
This was the bleakest spot near the city.
This was the silent place of sorrows.

Briar roses encircle the cross
With a hedge that reaches the crown of thorns.
Lambs entangled in the stems and branches
Bleat soft prayers that few can hear.
Even Jesus seems deaf on the cross,
And yet he calms them with his tears.
Mary rescues the smallest of the lambs
And holds him as though he were her child.
Saint John feeds the lamb from his satchel of bread.

Three days later the storm had passed.
Three days later the crowds had dispersed.
Love moved the stone, unsealed the tomb,
Golgotha changed into a sea of flowers.
Even the cross took root and flourished,
Became an oak tree rich in leaf.
Then all the birds in all the gardens
Of Jerusalem broke into song.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
July 18th. - 19th. - 20th. - 21st. 2021.
Based on a semi abstract picture of Christ crucified in a garden of large flowers that I painted a year or two ago.

Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Local Bookshop. (New Rewritten Version).

There are no electronic books 
For sale in this bookshop.
This is good news.
Clear print on first rate paper
Reassures me,
Lends me a sense of stability,
Of permanent aesthetic value
Out lasting our cut price world.
Expediency cannot eradicate truth.

Like a sprinter first up with the gun
Time rushes passed implacably,
Leaving us stunned in the process.
Time hates to be inconspicuous.
Smart Phones and tablets and laptops
Are replaced at regular intervals,
Just a year or two, then lights out.

Snug between hardback covers,
Resting on shelves in a back room,
Books fall apart more slowly
Than electronics designed to delete them
With words zapped neatly through space.
Books, being objects of beauty,
Even children handle them kindly,
As though greeting a secret friend.
Books crafted by Master Printers
Never forfeit integrity.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
July 14th. - 15th. 2021.

Friday, 9 July 2021

An Unnamed Model.

 Although I do not know who she was,
Or who she could be,
I have fallen in love with the girl in this exquisite fresco,
Eve of the morning light,
The apple ripe in her fingers.

And although she was born late in the Quattrocento,
And no one can tell her name or family,
She`s as vivid to me as my companion here beside me,
Her hand lodged gently in mine.

How strange it is we can fall in love with an image
That has little to do with our mundane lived reality,
An icon far removed from all we know.
It is as though we by pass time when stunned by beauty,
And yet we cannot stop time with a kiss.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
July 7th. - 9th. 2021.

The fresco of The Fall in The Raphael Loggia, The Vatican.

Monday, 5 July 2021

Fallen Angels Poem No. 1 - The Eagle. (Revised)

My feet are like claws
I could cling to the crags
Eagle like
Observing my life
And yours

Arthritis has not yet crippled me
But it is time I quit the higher ground
Built a new nest in a secret valley
A secluded spot for you
And me

Soar eagle soar
Now reach for the clouds
On sensitive wings
An angel would envy

 Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
June 29th. - July 5th. - July 16th. 2021.
This first poem now dovetails easily into the second, (published on June 29th.), and the two should be read together.

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Fallen Angels Poem No.2 - Transcendent Song. (Revised)

You always remark
I fell from the stars
The day that we met

Angels must gather
Where true love is found
Purer than words can explain

You could give me such love
If you truly dared
But safety first is your game

Your ego has snapped
Your Angel wings
And left you alone in the dark

The stars I fell with are in my hands
Trust love - then soar like the Lark

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
June 29th. 2021. - July 5th.
Fallen Angels Poem 1 is very different. I am holding it back for now.

Friday, 25 June 2021

Lost Tears.

If I could recover all the tears I have lost
I would become a lake wider than Windermere,
Deeper than the depths of wild Loch Ness,
Or the ocean due west of Sligo Bay.
And all the islands would be misty with ghosts,
The whispering ghosts of friends and lovers
Long decades out of touch.
But tears once shed cannot be recovered,
They evaporate like prayers in the morning light
When the candles are snuffed and the altar is cleared
And the church is locked up for the day.
Tears are sacred, that is why we hide them
 From neighbours and strangers passing our way,
Pale shadows in the rain.
Their healing words are just background noise
When we want to rage at the sun.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
June 26th. 2021.

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Art, I am told, is fabulously useless.

Art, I am told, is fabulously useless,
A commodity beyond quick comprehension,
Yet fattening the purses of the wise.
I can hear God in the cool voice of the cello,
The anguish of a Sinti violin
Played by a refugee to earn some bread.
Profit and loss disrupt the music scene.

Art becomes holy when we truly love it,
Heals the anguished heart, the broken mind,
Makes dreams come true, if only for a minute.
Life without art is sterile and unkind.
Art is love expressed in song and Ikons.
I watched the towers of Rouen fade in rain,
Transformed into stone clouds above the city,
Losing solid mass, yet retaining their perfection,
Silent prayers merging with the storm.
Prayer is a type of art, a spiritual outpouring
Expressed in words, in paint, in Cathedral spires
Writing silent music on the sky.
Art is in the kiss a mother gives
With true compassion to her weeping child.

Art is not artifice, it does not hide the truth
Behind a glittering face mask of conceit
That will soon be packed away when fashions alter.
Art has no time limit. It has our generous love
That does not change although our hair turns grey.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
June 19th. - 22nd. 2021.

Saturday, 12 June 2021

Trevor J Potter's Art: The Holy Feast, Launcelot Andrewes, Southwark Cath...

Trevor J Potter's Art: The Holy Feast, Launcelot Andrewes, Southwark Cath...: Our saint`s tomb is buried in autumn flowers cut down at dawn, the dew still fresh on them, but soon to lose their colour, shape and scen...

Random Thoughts in the Herb Garden. (New Version).

I sat and dreamed in the lee of the chapel,
Sat and studied the herbs that now grow there
To create a metaphor of the resurrection,
Vivid new growth between worn stones.

"My head is like a sieve", the old woman cried;
As she sat down next to me on the low wall.
"Pour words into my ears, they fall straight off my lips,
Then evaporate into the Sunday air".

"But nothing is really lost", I thought as I sat silent
Studying the herbs and heaps of old stones;
"I can see the outline of the Bishop`s Chapel
Etched in the earth like a buried ship".

I would like to haul that ship out of the soil,
Set up the mast, a spire slashed from young oak,
Swing on the ropes and climb sky high
To fix a cross between wind riven clouds.

Pre reformation England haunts this place,
But the traffic gridlocked on London Bridge
Shakes the ground deeper than thundering bells,
Cathedral bells that call the people to Mass.

What sort of resurrection is implied
By these herbs that mark the wreck of the chapel?
Perhaps the interface of spring with winter
Where Launcelot Andrews was laid to rest?

"The garden is now closed", the old woman whimpered.
It seems that even she still keeps the hours
That drive this city to the edge of distraction
Grinding all quietness right out of our minds.

The Ship of Faith I sculpted in my imagination
As I mourned the loss of the Bishop`s Chapel?
Oh I wish I could sail that ship to a gentle land
And there recover the solace of Eden.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
August 28th. 2016. - February 14th. 2017. - June 11th. 2021.
The herb garden is situated at the east end of Southwark Cathedral, on a narrow strip of land between the cathedral and the southern end of London Bridge. The Bishop`s Chapel was demolished in the 1830`s when the 19th. century version of London Bridge was built, just to the west of the famouse medieval structure. The tomb of Bishop Launcelot Andrews was moved into the choir of the cathedral, where he is honoured as a saint.  The quirky remarks of the elderly lady were made to me one Sunday afternoon after Mass. As a catholic who loves and greatly admires the C of E I adore this place.

Monday, 31 May 2021

The Visitation. (Completed Poem)

Today, on the feast of The Visitation,
A pastel blue butterfly flew into my garden
And alighted on a branch
Of the wild white rose.

I stood quietly watching, afraid to move
In case I disturbed the sudden peace
That this creature had found
In my miniature garden
Just a breath away from the street outside.

The butterfly, riding the cusp of the wind,
Glided over the wall from the busy highway
Into a living space, so different from
The tarmac desert littered with traffic,
It seemed another country.

I had never seen before such a pastel blue butterfly
In the walled seclusion
Of my North London garden,
So I stood and watched without saying a word.

I stood and watched, my camera unused,
The lens too slow to catch an image
Of a creature weaving between the branches
Of a disorderly briar rose.

And I was thinking, as I stood as still as a rock,
That the sky pale colour of these butterfly wings,
Is a similar blue to the cloak of The Virgin
As depicted in ancient frescoes and icons.

Today is the Feast of The Visitation,
And it seems that this morning I have received a guest
Into the sanctuary of my garden,
A stranger bearing good news.
Her wings, balancing fine patterns on the morning air,
Shape delicate dances of praise.

 Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
May  31st. - June 1st. - 3rd.2021.

Thursday, 27 May 2021

Bouncing Along in my New Shoes.

Bouncing along in my new shoes
I am deftly walking on air 
Knowing that I will meet you at the ceilidh tonight
Among the loud voices,
Your greeting smile broader than windows
In the open house of my heart.
I will be holding you to that clear promise
You made in Derry last winter
As we sauntered down by the Foyle,
Snowflakes damping our hair.
Real love is more than honest,
It can be a brutal emotion,
Wrecking the souls it has lost.
Our lives will be trashed if we do not answer its call.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
May 27th. 2021.

Abelard and Heloise were right. (Alternative Version.).

 Abelard and Heloise were right.
Defying the wrath of Fulbert they confirmed
That love is more honest than common sense,
More absolute than social does and don`ts.
By breaking custom they made clear the truth.

Free as a bird my love for you transcends
Sly innuendos leaked from timid minds
Afraid to overturn the status quo.
Meanwhile we dance together in the spotlight,
Castanets crackle fiercely as we circle
Slowly face to face, foreheads locked together,
Flamenco in our hearts.
A crowd shouts out our names as we embrace the music,
The quick fire clash of heals on courtyard stones.

She is a Roma Gypsy and he a retired clerk,
And old enough to be her Da - I think.
They are two fools together.
But thinking has no part in real life stories,
The cohabiting of folk from different classes,
Of different generations and ethnic make up,
The realist and the prophet.
Old age is not a hindrance, but can be made a blight
Deep in the soul caused by ignorant talk,
The need to make our grandparents lie low,
Keep their proper places.
Ageism is self hatred. - Racism? Just plain mad,
& social climbing? A stupid game for kids.
Our love for each other breaks down walls and shackles
Devised to keep the status quo intact.

Abelard and Heloise were right,
(Although no pope has ranked them with the saints.
Although the wounds they bore are sacred to true lovers)
Its the kindnesses we share that last a lifetime,
They sanctify the fellowship of true minds.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
May 20th. - 21st. - 27th. - 29th.  2021.

Monday, 24 May 2021

Plum Garden of Kamata.(Prefered Version)..

Red and white taffeta snow
Litters the mown lawn.
The two girls standing by the lake
Talk of who they used to be
Before the leaves fell,
The flowers shrunk to nothing.
Looking into the lake they note how
Their faces shatter when the wind sighs.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
May 24th. 2021.
Poem No.5 The month of May, Hiroshige prints on my 2021 Calendar.

Thursday, 20 May 2021

Saturday, 15 May 2021

Goka no Sho, Higo Province.

Blue mountain.
Sky the colour of peaches
ripe on the bough.
The man, crossing the chasm
on a fallen log
that spans great echoing depths,
sees only his fear.
The beauty that surrounds him is simply illusion.
His concern is every footstep that he takes,
edging forward on the tilt of the log
high above fierce torrents.
He climbs up through a canopy of wild trees
that cling tight to the rock face.

Standing outside the frame
I observe the whole of the picture
noting its beauty,
the sense of peace that it gives me.
I cannot hear the thunder of the melt streams
hidden by white cloud,
but their presence is made known to me by the terror
in the eyes of the travelling man.
The stick on his hunched shoulder is so overladen
that he is forced to stoop as he walks,
almost losing his balance.
He would rather be at home with his wife and children
than trudging this path alone.

When I was young I struggled just like this poor man.
Now I am old I write him into this poem.

Trevor Joh Karsavin Potter.
15th. May 2021.
Poem No. 6, for the month of June, in the Hiroshige Calendar Prints Series.

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

The Robins Nest. (Revised).

 There, lodged between the church door
And the wooden door handle,
Deep in the narrow dark, the hand deep
Protected from the rain by the entrance
Was the neatest of robins nests,
So neat and tidy it should have won prizes,
Or at least a brief mention
In a house-care magazine.

I peered into the narrow dark, marvelling
                                                  how small
And cramped a living quarters
This family of robins required to feel at home.
No thing out of order, each twig slotted into
All things plain and useful, no thing overdone.
Saint Francis would have approved of such 
Remarking how safe and warm this fragile
                                                           nest is,
Discretely out of view in a public space.
A well kept home, snug behind the door 
Of a quiet suburban church.

And now, as I sit at my desk, writing this
I wonder why I need eight rooms and a loft
To feel at ease in;
The front door chained and bolted, the windows
                                            always locked.

 Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
May 6th. - 11th. 2021.

Sunday, 9 May 2021

Monday, 3 May 2021

Trevor J Potter's Art: Seventeen 2020.(Completed Poem).

Trevor J Potter's Art: Seventeen 2020.(Completed Poem).: I notice you are now in high heels. Tall as a flamingo. Frightening the boys. You zap their self confidence with a laugh. When I was youn...

Order and Destruction.