Sunday, 1 August 2021

Three Lotus Blooms - Three Poems. One Hundred Famous Views of Edo. Minowa, Kanasugi at Mikawashima,


Fan shaped wing spread wide,
A heron with her neck arched back
Dives towards the blue wave.


Could life be this simple again?
A distant village of paper houses
Sleeps by the waters edge.
No gas, no electricity, no speeding cars
Burning up the tarmac in the evening light.
No radios blaring jazz from upstairs
No American English spoken.
Could life be so calm - so quiet again?
The only sounds the evening songs of birds
Intermingled with occasional conversations
As people meet to watch the stars come out.
Half lost in shadow, a solitary man is strolling
Close to the shore, keeping his thoughts to
A wading heron calls out in sudden alarm.


The hunting heron dives from a red sky.
A single blurred cloud of early autumn
Shadows the warm waters.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter,
1st. - 17th. -19th. August 2021.
Poem No. 8, Month of August, from illustrations on my 2021 Calendar by Hiroshige.
I have been studying this print every day throughout August and every day I find some new detail. So I now have three interconnected poems not just the single Haiku type poem that I began with on the first of the month. The Three Lotus Blooms refer to three meditations. 

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