Thursday, 27 May 2021

Abelard and Heloise were right. (Alternative Version.).

 Abelard and Heloise were right.
Defying the wrath of Fulbert they confirmed
That love is more honest than common sense,
More absolute than social does and don`ts.
By breaking custom they made clear the truth.

Free as a bird my love for you transcends
Sly innuendos leaked from timid minds
Afraid to overturn the status quo.
Meanwhile we dance together in the spotlight,
Castanets crackle fiercely as we circle
Slowly face to face, foreheads locked together,
Flamenco in our hearts.
A crowd shouts out our names as we embrace the music,
The quick fire clash of heals on courtyard stones.

She is a Roma Gypsy and he a retired clerk,
And old enough to be her Da - I think.
They are two fools together.
But thinking has no part in real life stories,
The cohabiting of folk from different classes,
Of different generations and ethnic make up,
The realist and the prophet.
Old age is not a hindrance, but can be made a blight
Deep in the soul caused by ignorant talk,
The need to make our grandparents lie low,
Keep their proper places.
Ageism is self hatred. - Racism? Just plain mad,
& social climbing? A stupid game for kids.
Our love for each other breaks down walls and shackles
Devised to keep the status quo intact.

Abelard and Heloise were right,
(Although no pope has ranked them with the saints.
Although the wounds they bore are sacred to true lovers)
Its the kindnesses we share that last a lifetime,
They sanctify the fellowship of true minds.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
May 20th. - 21st. - 27th. - 29th.  2021.

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