Saturday, 6 November 2021

Instant Love. (Revised Ending).

You grab my lap as your kingdom
Hot threads of hair burn my lips
Your forehead pressed against mine
So hard we are both bruised.
So this is instant love, inevitable and
A sudden visceral war.
                                    I request a truce,
Needing to readjust, to find my equilibrium,
That quiet mood I was accustomed to
Before you sashayed into my living space
Tearing my days apart.
But you`ll have none of this,
You know that you have won,
And dare not give up an inch of stolen

Is love always like this?
You kick off your high heels, then make
                                     yourself at home.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
November 2nd. - 6th. 2021.

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