Wednesday, 10 November 2021


November blues.
I am learning at last to mourn for my life,
Something I have never done before
However bleak the season,
However sad the news.

I am a summer person,
That time of year when blind hope re-emerges
From the tight cocoon
That winter wraps around it like a bandage
While the bright wings form.

Hope is love reborn.-
But last night I learned the girl with laughing eyes
Had knocked back her last glass of champagne,
Packed away her typewriter and papers
And quietly slipped out into the cool mists,

The silent mists of autumn.-
Farewell old friend, you were closer than I thought
To the deep sad core of my restless being.
A sort of sister, adopted at first sight,
You have taken part of my truth to the stars.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
November 10th. 2021.

For Maureen, 1934 - 2021.

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