Wednesday, 24 November 2021

The Suijin Temple Grove, Uchikawa.

Mist - Red sky
Boats drift in no wind -
Sailors leaning on poles
That momentarily bend like bows
When locked into stones
Lost beneath waves
Barely moving

Air still as summer
But chill as frost on glass
Chapping raw the cheek bones
Of sailors seeking refuge
On the distant shore -
Far away the mountains
Appear impossible to reach

As in a mirror darkly
I view this dreamlike scene
Made distant
By the curve of the frame
That bends both time and space -
An autumn tree in blossom
Defies all rules of reason

I can smell December in the evening air

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
24th. November 2021.
Hiroshige Print illustrating the month of November on my 2021 Calendar.

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