Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Local Bookshop. (New Rewritten Version).

There are no electronic books 
For sale in this bookshop.
This is good news.
Clear print on first rate paper
Reassures me,
Lends me a sense of stability,
Of permanent aesthetic value
Out lasting our cut price world.
Expediency cannot eradicate truth.

Like a sprinter first up with the gun
Time rushes passed implacably,
Leaving us stunned in the process.
Time hates to be inconspicuous.
Smart Phones and tablets and laptops
Are replaced at regular intervals,
Just a year or two, then lights out.

Snug between hardback covers,
Resting on shelves in a back room,
Books fall apart more slowly
Than electronics designed to delete them
With words zapped neatly through space.
Books, being objects of beauty,
Even children handle them kindly,
As though greeting a secret friend.
Books crafted by Master Printers
Never forfeit integrity.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
July 14th. - 15th. 2021.

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Wrecking the Suburbs.