Monday, 16 November 2020

The Beauty of November Rain. (Completed)

I am glad rain is falling this November lunchtime.
This is the time of year for the beauty of rain
To become apparent, soaking the fallen leaves -
Melding reds and golds into dun coloured mush -
Transforming the mush into clods of black earth.

I wheel the emptied bin from off the pavement -
Last night it was filled with rose cuttings, with 
With various weeds - all taken to make good compost
For other gardeners to use. - I check the back yard gate -
My next door neighbour has left it swinging open, so I 
                                                                                 tie it
Shut with the cord that does for a bolt.- Late autumn - 
My life snuggles down into a sleepless hibernation. This
                                              is the right time for reading,
For reconnecting with friends by video link, by email or
                                                       the landline telephone.

Meanwhile, from the porch, I watch cold steady rain
                                     soften the dry clay soil for Spring.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
November 14th. - 16th. - 17th. - 20th. - 26th. 2020.
Completed January 30th. 2021.

Poem Ten in my sequence of fourteen line poems about November 2020 in my local neighbourhood. This poem is the last in the sequence.

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