Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Simple Gifts.

Twilight lasts an hour in mid November,
Too dark to read - too light to use a lamp -
The windows burnished bronze turning gold.

School kids love this time of year - it seems,
Kicking up clouds of leaves with dancing feet -
Gold dust smeared with mud on rubber boots.

Not many people are wearing masks today.
We are all so happy we want to show our faces
To smiling strangers - to neighbours we rarely
                                                               talk to -

The weather so mild we do not need our coats.
Perhaps it is the soft breeze - perhaps the vote
                                      in distant Philadelphia
That has filled this London street with happy faces -

Or perhaps it simply is the pastel twilight
Revealing the secret beauty of a place I thought
                                                                I knew.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
November 10th. 2020.

This is the third in a group of fourteen line poems about my responses to November 2020 in my local area.

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