Thursday, 5 November 2020

A Passing Moment in November.

The sound of distant traffic - muffled by houses.
Two people walking in the street - masked -
                                    distanced by silence.
A single wren chirping in a wet - bare tree.
I stand in the open doorway - barefoot - watching
                                        the world pass by.

This spring I let the weeds grow high in my
                                                front garden -
I let them grow for the arachnids - the bees - the
                                    occasional butterfly.
People passing to and fro thought I had got old
                                              and negligent -
They threw their rubbish over my garden wall.

The weeds shrink back to earth as winter nears.
My neighbours will soon think my garden tidy.
I stand in the doorway - wondering what to do next.
This cold November I am learning how to be lonely.

I retire to the kitchen to light a stick of incense.
The fragrant smoke reminds me of long lost friends.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
November 5th. 2020.
 Poem One in sequence.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful directness - the poetry of the normal ....


Wrecking the Suburbs.