Friday, 27 November 2020

Not Being Allowed.(Revised).

Not being allowed to touch you
Is not being allowed to live.

Not being allowed to kiss you
Is not being allowed to love.

Like a rabbit in a steel trap
Waiting for the blow to fall,

Not being allowed your kindness
Is not knowing kindness at all.

Last night I dreamed I held you
In the gentle dark of our bed,

But when I awoke this morning
My fists were punching the wall.

Not being allowed you near me
Is pure violence against who we are.

You are my voice, my true word,
Without you the silence is All.

I sit alone in my locked cell
Not able to take nor to give,

Not being allowed to hug you
Is not being allowed to live.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
November 27th. 2020. - December 1st. 2020.                                                       

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