Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Hollow Heart of Time.(Revised).

Swallows in November? Some stay a full month more
But have to glide late autumn winds to Africa
Before the winter solstice lights the inner chambers
Of Neolithic tombs. This is the hollow heart of
                                                               measured time,
The dark womb of the year - coiled and fallow -
Next years seed potatoes secured in sacks and boxes -
Scavenger foxes criss - crossing railway tracks.

I sit and type this poem, half aware of evening birdsong,
Shrill bells from apple trees across the road.    Discrete
Suburban gardens growing wild for several decades.
Developers planning houses where wrens and sparrows

One whole year in isolation has taught me how to listen,
Learn the sounds of changing seasons, note anomalies I 
When I biked to work all weathers, down streets of glass
                                                                             and steel.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
November 23rd. 2020. - December 1st. - 2nd. - 7th.2020.
January 29th. 2021.
Poem number Eight in my sequence of November poems. This poem pairs with number Seven.

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Wrecking the Suburbs.