Friday, 20 November 2020

Pink Umbrellas in November. (Rewritten).

Mums carrying pink umbrellas in the rain,
Maytime umbrellas in squalid mid November
When all is grey and dark and dripping wet,
Mist liquid grey dissolving sunset red.
Snow is promised early in December, yet
These pink umbrellas make me mourn for Easter;-
Plum blossom blown to shreds; church bells
                                           shaking windows.

Children - less aware of changing seasons
Than we, fat bellied, aching, hostile adults,
Lugging bags of shopping up the hill -
Skip and scream beneath the pink umbrellas
As if they pranced through ornamental fountains
One final time before the new term starts:
One final time before the swallows exit.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter,
November 20th. 2020. - Rewritten January 28th. 2021.
Poem number six in my sequence of November poems.

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