Sunday, 22 November 2020

Swallows in November.(Rewritten).

Swallows in November? Even the flocks are fooled
By unexpected sunshine, winds strangely soft and
Leaves late in falling, red roses fat as apples,
Grape Hyacinth already flourishing, tangled shoots
                                                        an opulent green:
Above this Spring like scene the swallows soaring.

Words that are strong and true are hard to find. I pack this 
Half made poem into my jacket pocket. Maybe thoughts
                                                                      will coalesce 
Into coherent images on my Sunday walk. The pavements 
                                                                    shimmer white,
Reflecting surreal brightness. The scales of nature tipped
Way out of balance             reveal a toxic paradise of heat.
Instead of flying south, swallows over winter in Somerset 
                                                                              and Kent.

The walk has cleared my mind, I can now complete this
In the privacy of my kitchen, the mobile phone turned off,
But a sound of evening birdsong makes me pause before
                                                                                I write.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter, 
November 22nd. 2020. - December 1st. - 7th. 2020.
This is poem Number 7 in my November 2020 sequence of free style sonnets.

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