Friday, 30 December 2022

Multi Cloured Leaves: In Memoriam Vivienne Westwood. (Revised).

Multi coloured leaves are falling - falling,
Floating down stream, the water calling them
With wistful songs, known to every flower and tree,
To horses, birds and foxes.
Children too are sensitive to these sounds,
That is until we adults shout them deaf.

Perhaps Ophelia, so sensitive to plant lore, 
Heard this wistful music and chased its thread
Almost to the depths of the Atlantic.
Vivienne heard it too, but sang it out raucously
While weaving brilliant colours, more stunning than 
                                                             plum blossom
Seen from a window after mist has faded.

Multi coloured leaves are falling - falling:
Truth is beauty, but is not always the loser.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
December 30th. - 31st. 2022.

Wednesday, 28 December 2022

Lost from the Lights of Christmas: December 1965. (Revised Ending).

 Her remembered voice seems to haunt these streets,
The stucco terraces and tree lined pavements
Transfigured into white light by the chill
Of frosty winter mornings.
Was it New Year, or the short days after Christmas,
When we last cuddled up beneath old bedding,
Her pregnant belly warm as a summer evening,
The child within fidgeting like a kitten,
Or a sleeping lioness longing for the sun?
Was it then, or just a few weeks earlier?
After sixty years recollections become less vivid.

We felt as though there was no room at the Inn,
Outsiders watching the stars dissolve in snow clouds. 
Her husband permitted these secret trysts, for some reason;
Perhaps he understood the depths of love,
Or was it that he guessed how short the time we had 
And needed this reconciliation.
Meanwhile, in the streets outside, daily life went on,
So like a mindless clock measuring the hours
But not able to calculate the reason.

The following summer she died, but not before shaking
The somnolent wards awake with one last laugh.
She had spied her baby giggling 
At radiant pools of sunlight floating on the walls.
"If I dared be as innocent as my wee bairn,
Then surely death would not be such a problem".

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
28th. - 29th. December 2022.

Wednesday, 21 December 2022

The Fourth Wise King Explains his Motives.

Speaking soft words to the quiet dark
I attempt to meditate upon tomorrow
But find only a loneliness
Bleaker than the arctic wastes. 

If I were a wise king searching for enlightenment
I do not think that I would trust
A weirdly dazzling eastern star
That illuminates a small cave in war torn Bethlehem.

But I would listen to my inner voice
As I hovered on the edge of sleep
And therefore imagine it said in dreams
That miracles always lead to trouble.

But when curiosity has forced me awake
It seems that I might outface my loneliness,
Pack my bags in the freezing dark
And set out to study that star,

But understand this, this would be for science,
Certainly not to discover a Saviour;
I can never guess answers before I set out,
And always doubt what I see.

Yes, I admit, the others were right,
They trusted their instincts and did not look back:
I am still on that journey, so it now seems,
But its not in my power to confirm this in speech.

Yet when I sit silent in the quiet dark,
What I dare not understand begins to make sense.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter,
December 21st. 2022.

According to some ancient legends twelve Wise Kings set out to follow the star, but only three made it to the Bethlehem stable to offer their gifts to Jesus. I identify here with King No. 4 because he had many doubts and yet had a modicum of faith.

Friday, 16 December 2022

Far West Dreaming.(Completed Poem).

This sympathy for The Outlaw -
Where does it come from?
I would have hated to have been Sundance -
Holding up mail trains and robbing banks -
Rampaging through bordellos with Pinkerton
                                                  on my tail,
I am too much of a hermit for that sort of thing,
A Zen Buddhist with a liking for old Jesus,
(I love Tenebrae but don`t fetishize the theology).
But to ride a half wild pony across the prairie,
That is my perfect heaven;
The dawn wind hitting my bare face -
The raw sun burning my cheek bones:
And every bird and tree and cloud so wondrous
I would never crave to enter a city again. 

Trevor John Karsavin Potter,
16th. - 17th. December 2022.

Thursday, 15 December 2022

A Cold Awakening. (Now Revised and Rewritten).

A flash of white light stings me awake.
I throw off the sheets and break the ice,
Peel back the curtains away from the glass
And stare into the garden.
Such dazzle of snow is a shock that stuns,
Knocks me out like ice in the eyes
Whipped up by a speeding sleigh.
The sky is a fierce miracle this morning, 
A concave mirror, diamond bright,
Brilliantly blue, but chill as the arctic.
Perhaps I can lob a stone to shatter it,
Skidding the stone across the surface,
Crazing clear space. A broken window
Somehow staying in place.
 Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
15th, - 16th. December 2022.

Thursday, 1 December 2022

Aztec Fish.

Retrieved from a block of clay
An unknown fish,
Extinct, or simply unobserved
By Mexican scientists who search 
The blacked out depths
Of the deepest pits in the Atlantic.
Perhaps it was born the colour of the red earth
And was promoted to godhood by the Aztecs
Because of this weirdness,
Or perhaps not.
All that can be said for certain
Is that this is a very odd fish.
And will not be found laid out with the salmon in Harrods
Anytime soon.

Trevor Jon Karsavin Potter.  
1st. December 2022.

Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Trevor J Potter's Art: Red Bird. (Revised).

Trevor J Potter's Art: Red Bird. (Revised).: My poems are pictures  painted with words, and not true poems. For example - Aware of the intensity of sunlight as July approaches I rejoice...

Adapted Surfaces.

When I was a child and adolescent in England in the nineteen fifties and early sixties, abstract art was taboo. So called modern artists were mocked by cartoonists in the tabloids, especially Picasso who had had the temerity of discovering cubism three decades before I was born. Unbelievable as it may now seem I read a news magazine article attacking Cezanne when I was in my late teens or early twenties. I felt an outsider at that time because I loved progressive art. I had met a number of progressive artists , including Picasso, before I was twenty, and knew that I was with them and not the tabloid fuddy duddies. But the old prejudice against modern art has scarred me, and when I rub and scrape raw paint into a rough wooden surface I sometimes suffer a pang of guilt because I am not painting a sweet landscape or making a detailed sketch. Sorry conscience, I paint what I paint because I love doing it my way; and the same rules apply to how I write my poems. Get over it.


A Mid Winters Night`s Dream. (Revised).

Melancholy conifers command the ridge,
Four weeping queens crying out to Theseus,
"Our husbands lie unburied.
Ravens crowd out the sun".
Four hooded queens, bruise black their dresses
Torn and bloody, trailing in the mire
As they shriek and holla for justice to proud Theseus
When he rides out to his wedding.

Then after the first act the queens depart,
Their wrongs righted,
Their wealth restored,
Their husbands buried deep in homeland clay,
Their enemies routed,
And Theseus, having fought the good fight for them,
Can once more ride out to wed Hippolyta.

And for the next two hours the honest jailers daughter
Goes mad with love for Palamon,
An escaped prisoner in love with Emilea.
He had fought for Creon against the wily Theseus
In the war of the unburied kings.
And the audience is all agog at the jailers daughter,
Forgetting the weeping queens, who started the story
That led to her imagined romance.

I have forgotten to mention Arcite`
And his fall from the bucking horse.
Its the jailers daughter whose candle we tend to carry.
We picture her in our local spilling pints of sadness,
Her voice so loud it blocks all conversation,
But tonight, for some reason, these ageing conifers,
Bent double by the push and pull of the weather,
Remind me that the queens requests for justice
Created yet another pile of corpses.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
28th. November 2022.
A brief synopsis of The Two Noble Kinsmen - plus the conifers.

Thursday, 24 November 2022

Riposte. Song in my Old Style. (Completed Version)

Oh my Josey Blue
You just don`t get being true
So how can I settle with you?
Oh my Josey Blue.

Oh my Lady Blue
You know that one and one make two
But think that six from two will do,
Oh my Lady Blue.

Oh my Josey Blue
What I hear aint what you do
So how can I be square with you?
Just what`s the deal? I thought you knew.

Oh my Josey Blue,
Just can`t say, "I cherish you".

Trevor John Kaesavin Potter. 
24th. November 2022.

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

My New Wooden Buddha.(Revised and Completed).

Images shape a truth in space
                                          and time
With such strict clarity and power
That words fall silent - lose all purpose -
                                    rhyme  or reason 
Become tongue tied like children caught
                                          red handed,
Their pockets crammed with sweets and 

Wood is a coarse grained medium to work
And few plying chisel, lathe or plane
Can reveal the mystery of life distilled in
Or a moment of music seemingly withheld,
Even though the secret songs the tree once
To wildwood friends and parkland neighbours
Remain embedded deep in root and branch. 

Perhaps it is these ancient forest songs
That this hand carved Buddha seems to be in touch with
As he sits - an icon of quietude -
In the room where I display my paintings and my books.
But he is not simply a work of art - he is too alive in his 
His absolute powers of concentration
Made visible by the raw skill of the artist
Who shaped him from the rough wood - revealed his quiet
Still beating deep beneath the polished surface.

And the smile on the face of this Buddha seems so ancient
I am almost sure it was formed before time existed,

Poem by. Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
16th. - 18th. - 24th. November 2022.
Lingers deep within the carvings core.   

Sunday, 23 October 2022

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Trevor J Potter's Art: Dream Houses . (Poem and Pictures).

Trevor J Potter's Art: Dream Houses . (Poem and Pictures).:   Sleeping alone these autumn nights I snuggle up in my box of dreams, My private alternative universe Smaller than a nanosecond - Larger th...

Tuesday, 18 October 2022

Dream Time. (2nd. Revision). Poem and Pictures.


Dream Time.

Sleeping alone these autumn nights
I snuggle up in my house of dreams,
My private alternative universe
Smaller than a mausoleum -
Larger than a womb of stars
Drifting deep in Andromeda,

This is where I am truly free,
Out of sight and out of mind.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter,
October 19th. - 23rd. 2022.

Saturday, 15 October 2022

Thursday, 13 October 2022

Zen Lake / Zen Swan. 1 Poem & 2 Paintings. (Revised and Completed).

Painting without planning every detail, 
Just letting the brush move over surfaces
Of untreated wood or clean white paper:
Following the grain of the rough cut wood,
Gliding over the smoothness of the paper
Until images form of their own accord,
Shaped by a sensitivity to the moment
And materials that come to hand.
Without planning I know when the work is finished,
Like the chord in a symphony that resolves all tensions, 
Or the shadow of a frayed leaf caught in a stream
That is slowly ebbing away.                            

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
14th. October 2022.

Tuesday, 11 October 2022

Trevor J Potter's Art: Seventeen 2020.(Illustrated Poem).

Trevor J Potter's Art: Seventeen 2020.(Illustrated Poem).: I notice you are now in high heels. Tall as a flamingo. Frightening the boys. You zap their self confidence with a laugh. When I was youn...

Sunday, 9 October 2022

Thursday, 6 October 2022

Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Trevor J Potter's Art: First Hint of Autumn.(New Revision).

Trevor J Potter's Art: First Hint of Autumn.(New Revision).: Autumn. Old folk remember their schooldays, Chasing a ball in the street, Kicking their shoes through the leaves. Like bulbs pressed down in...

Monday, 26 September 2022

First Hint of Autumn, Spring Recalled. (Completed Poem).

Old folk remember their schooldays,
Chasing a ball in the street,
Kicking their shoes through the leaves.

Like bulbs pressed down into leaf mould
It was time to mature and flourish,
A chill sun burnishing cheek bones,
A cold wind blurring the view.

Cool but savvy, Spring sloped in when the light changed,
Bringing warmth to our streets, now swept clean,
Not by brooms, but by snow-melt and showers
Transforming pavements into streams,

Sometimes as deep as our ankles;
Sometimes barely damping our heels.

Old folk remember their schooldays
With a symbolic shrug of the shoulders;
Sometimes with nostalgic lies. -
Next February Snowdrops will tear through the frost lace,
But before then a whole world dies.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
September 26th.- 27th. - 28th. 2022.
October 6th. 2022.

Thursday, 15 September 2022

Wednesday, 14 September 2022

Tuesday, 13 September 2022

(1).My Life in Three Pictures, (2) Poem of The Dispossessed.(Poem Now Revised).

How my life felt to me aged 10

How my life feels to me now.

Poem of The Dispossessed.

I reside where chaos and order collide
In an abstract city of concrete and steel, 
The alleyways littered with junk and glass.
I balance on a knife edge of joy and fear,
Balance on the hardened point of the knife
That can dissect a man,
Skin a shark. 
This is my life from hour to hour
Poised like an acrobat on a wire
Slung between two concrete spires.
The fields I romped in when a child
Too soon ploughed up to build this city.

Tonight I watch a coffin pass,
Driven in silence through wintry rain,
A plain wooden box filled with echoes
Of what a life could have been.
Echoes of days when Larks soared and sang.
Echoes of a trapped man screaming out loud.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. September 14th. - 15th. 2022. October 23rd. 2022.

Tuesday, 6 September 2022

Unsettled Weather. (Revised).

Ink blue sky.
Houses reflecting the afternoon light
Are whiter than paper.
The late summer heat, solid as marble
Without a single flaw,
Holds me back.
I cannot think - or write - or paint in
                                      this weather,
Clarity of sunlight does not sharpen 
                                   the imagination
Like the onset of summer rain.

Moist grey shadows drift across 
Darkened by low cloud.
Mud clogs my shoes, 
But I can walk for miles in such weather,
Observing a revitalized world;
The wind ransacking through tree tops;
Wild water tumultuous in gullies.

This is the world as I love it,
Heartland of the northern gods.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
4th. - 6th. - 7th. September 2022.

Sunday, 4 September 2022

Trevor J Potter's Art: Thinking of Nina Hamnett. (Revised).

Trevor J Potter's Art: Thinking of Nina Hamnett. (Revised).: Your body draped across the spiked railings, A sleeping bag heavy with broken dreams Dropped from a bedroom window. - Drama was always your ...

Saturday, 3 September 2022

Not in MY Name.

Protesting against the career of Boris Johnson,
First as London Mayor then as the British Prime 
Minister responsible for wrecking the economy
and moral standing of his country through Brexit
and the attacks on human rights, merely to foster
his own personal interest. This is a graffiti style
panel slowly created over twelve years of outrage,
anger and growing despair. I do not like this as
a piece of art, but it relates how I feel about the
degradation of my once vibrant country. Sadly it
seems that ugly events create an ugly response. Oh
bring back Atlee  and Bevan. Oh bring back the
creative vigour of the 1960`s and the early 2000`s. 

This pastel shows the despair I have felt during these dark soulless years. 

Order and Destruction.