Saturday, 3 September 2022

Not in MY Name.

Protesting against the career of Boris Johnson,
First as London Mayor then as the British Prime 
Minister responsible for wrecking the economy
and moral standing of his country through Brexit
and the attacks on human rights, merely to foster
his own personal interest. This is a graffiti style
panel slowly created over twelve years of outrage,
anger and growing despair. I do not like this as
a piece of art, but it relates how I feel about the
degradation of my once vibrant country. Sadly it
seems that ugly events create an ugly response. Oh
bring back Atlee  and Bevan. Oh bring back the
creative vigour of the 1960`s and the early 2000`s. 

This pastel shows the despair I have felt during these dark soulless years. 

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Order and Destruction.