Friday, 30 December 2022

Multi Cloured Leaves: In Memoriam Vivienne Westwood. (Revised).

Multi coloured leaves are falling - falling,
Floating down stream, the water calling them
With wistful songs, known to every flower and tree,
To horses, birds and foxes.
Children too are sensitive to these sounds,
That is until we adults shout them deaf.

Perhaps Ophelia, so sensitive to plant lore, 
Heard this wistful music and chased its thread
Almost to the depths of the Atlantic.
Vivienne heard it too, but sang it out raucously
While weaving brilliant colours, more stunning than 
                                                             plum blossom
Seen from a window after mist has faded.

Multi coloured leaves are falling - falling:
Truth is beauty, but is not always the loser.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
December 30th. - 31st. 2022.

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