Friday, 16 December 2022

Far West Dreaming.(Completed Poem).

This sympathy for The Outlaw -
Where does it come from?
I would have hated to have been Sundance -
Holding up mail trains and robbing banks -
Rampaging through bordellos with Pinkerton
                                                  on my tail,
I am too much of a hermit for that sort of thing,
A Zen Buddhist with a liking for old Jesus,
(I love Tenebrae but don`t fetishize the theology).
But to ride a half wild pony across the prairie,
That is my perfect heaven;
The dawn wind hitting my bare face -
The raw sun burning my cheek bones:
And every bird and tree and cloud so wondrous
I would never crave to enter a city again. 

Trevor John Karsavin Potter,
16th. - 17th. December 2022.

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