Sunday, 27 December 2020

Sleeping Beauty in Barnet. - A Story for Twelfth Night. (Newly Completed, Twelfth Night 2022.).

The Edwardian villa across from my semi
Slowly decays behind a hedge of thorns.
Perhaps a sad princess has pricked her finger
And awaits Prince Mojo  - armed with a 
                                                  rock star kiss -
To wake her from long years of solitude.
Or perhaps the house high hedge is make-believe,
A taffeta curtain - a trick of the evening light,
Protecting secret rooms from prying eyes,
From infection and the local thought police.

A smashed computer, a toilet, a broken spindle
Lie on the pavement outside the silent house.
When a light is on in a room assumed to be empty
An intricate web of folk tales wakes up phones
Vibrating on armchairs - in bags - in jacket pockets -
On the tumbled sheets of many a post party bed.
When the light goes out the web shivers and snaps,
Littering gossip columns with spectral spiders.
"These are weird times", my neighbour wryly remarks,
Her old face wizened behind a surgical mask.

Muttering words deep into her fur trimmed sleeve
Cinders in blue jeans pushing an empty pram
Occasionally enters the house behind the hedge,
Locking the door behind her with a slam.
Perhaps she serves the sleeping Princess Aurora.
She also awaits Prince Mojo - his rock star kiss -
His six foot broad sword - his electricians manual -
His tracts on plumbing - woodwork - natal care -
Prized gifts to turn on every light in the house -
          to sweep the dust out of the nursery window. -
Like Snow White at the wishing well, Cinders believes in 
                                                                 handsome heroes,
Prince Mojo  - on his Yamaha - changing thorns to flowers.

When he comes the hedge will shrink down to his height,
And a midwife will lodge for years upon the sofa. -
No more impounded by cops - sawn up and burned -
Spinning Wheels will recommence spinning, just by 
Dogs will cease their barking at priests and postmen.
Cats will stare yearning into the face of the moon.
Then I may sleep soundly, calm and snug in my bed,
That Edwardian villa no longer spooking my dreams.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
December 26th. - 27th. - 28th. 2020. - January 1st. - July 8th. 2021.
Completed January 5th. 2022, Twelfth Night.
In one version of Sleeping Beauty the Princess Aurora has several babies.

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