Saturday, 12 December 2020

Alternative Realities. (New Longer Version)

I am a hostage on an island
A Looking Glass island
But someone has covered the mirror
And locked up all the chess pieces
And sunk all the little ships

I am a hostage in a dream world
A world dreamt up by fools who never wake
Fools who hold two Kings and all four Aces
In the Hand of Poker they are always playing
Their dream is not my dream but I am in it

I am a hostage lacking hope
I need a White Knight with a rope and ladder
I want to climb back through the Looking Glass
And touch down in the old world that I knew
Once upon a time

Every clock here disagrees
About the month the week the day the hour
And every time I try to reach the house
I find the path returns me to the garden
Where all the flowers chit-chat, and few make any

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
December 12th. - 13th. - 2020.
With thanks and apologies to Lewis Carrol. 

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