Thursday, 10 December 2020

December 1st. Midnight Poem. (Complete).

The year is old - very old,
December - month of the zimmer
                                            frame -
The white stick -
                           the broken shoe -
Earth piled brusquely on a 
                                paupers grave -
The slow depletion of memory.

Snow soft falling - grey - not white.
Snow soft drifting through a broken 
Snow freezing the eyes, the ears,
                                   the tongue -
Snow in the mouths of hungry canines
Snuffling for bones in frosty gutters -
Snow in the cap of the squatting 
Snow - slush ochre - in a vandalized

On the loose in cities -  through deep 
                                concrete canyons -
Dogs scavenge in packs -  restless -
                                          snow blind,
Tundra bred thugs - safe in a gang -
                             piratical in a crowd.
They scatter in terror if a car 
                                             back fires 
Or a child aims a snowball -
Long ears flapping loose - like galleon 

I sit in my back room writing this poem
Lost in my dreams while the old year 

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
December 1st. - 10th. - 11th. 2020.

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