Saturday, 18 April 2020

Not a Willow Pattern.

This plate is cheap, in fact a blatant fake,
A willow pattern plate without the willow,
Just four loose branches waving in mid air,
And not a trunk in sight.
Other trees appear complete, but more like lollipops
Than any plant that ever graced a coppice.
The temples are skew - whiff, perhaps about to tumble,
Their spires twisted into awkward angles,
And far too lofty for the lower floors.

Its the lack of people I find so distressing.
The bridge is here, exactly as expected,
But where are the three wise men crossing over,
Unlit lanterns held like fishing rods?
A distant boat drifts by on milky waters,
The crew are either absent or asleep;
The sails top heavy, the canvas stiff as wood;
And displacing swallows swooping in the heavens,
Four dead leaves spin upwards on the thermals.

I find the lack of people weird and eerie.
The two blue swallows, representing love,
Seem to have cut their loses, fled the painting,
Sped to seek a more congenial setting
Where trees are carefully drawn,
And space exists to build a homely nest.
This plate was never meant to be displayed,
Its just a simple day to day utensil,
Something to grab a meal off in a hurry,
Then stack away beneath the kitchen sink.

Yet I wish the artist had been a bit less slapdash,
I would then have used this plate with some respect.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
April 16th. - 17th. - 18th. 2020.

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