Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Easter Tuesday 2020. Transformations. (Revised)

                     1.                                   My Garden.

My garden is my chapel
The Ark that keeps me safe

Here I can sit and think
Far from the tear stained streets

Here I can meditate
Among the Easter flowers

The tulips in my garden
Are sun filled cups of praise

                     2.                                  Garden Thoughts.

Where we were born is lost to us
Where we are we have to be

We are not the names that were given us
We are the names we choose to love

We are not the truths that we were taught
We are the Truth that quietly claimed us

We are not the words once said in haste
We are the wise words not yet spoken

We are not our parents wayward children
We are who life has let us be

Thoughts spin their webs deep in my mind
There is no way I can control them

Resurrection lays bare the skull of Golgotha
Cracked open by the weight of The Cross

We once mocked God - our hostage to reason
Now God is seen in everything

                      3.                                             Contemplation.

I sit on the white stone window ledge
Listening to a far off Dove

Perhaps the Dove sings on a branch
Fragrant with abundant blossom

The tulips in my London garden
Are sun filled chalices of praise

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
April 14th. - 15th. - 18th. 2020.

1 comment:

  1. Love the immediacy that directs one through to celebration


Wrecking the Suburbs.