Thursday, 20 February 2020

Beyond Words, Beyond Saying.

One intimate listening
One intimate seeing

Yin and Yang balanced
In perfect harmony

You touch my hand in the darkened room
The hour and day have no other meaning

While I am with you
I cease to be I

While you are with me
You are all that I know

We become one person
Two bodies one mind

One intimate listening
One intimate seeing

One sea of feeling
In the ocean of time

While I am with you
I cease to be I

While you are with me
Crowds become shadows

We do not need words
Language is selfish

We have laughter and smiles
The sharing of dreams

You kiss my face in the perfect dark
I kiss your lips  - We are lost in each other

We become one person
Two bodies one mind

One intimate listening
One intimate seeing

Yin and Yang balanced
In perfect harmony

Trevor John Karsavin Potter
18th. - 19th. - 20th. February 2020.

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