Sunday, 16 February 2020

The Myth of Life and Love Returning.

Last month I watched you walk across the still water
In the dark cavern
Underneath the concrete city.

You could have been a Sufi Saint,
Gliding out of this dimension
With consummate ease into another.
A rich mosaic of lights and laughter
Greeted you as a long lost soul.

Now I sit and wait on the opposite shore
Watching the shadows deepen the silence
With the ghostly chill of ancient visions,
The visions you talked of in your sleep,
Your troubled head pressed close to mine.

I sit and tremble in the lonely dark.
Sit and wait for your safe return.
Perhaps you will bring the light of new life
Across the vast and sacred lake.

The light that opened the flowers of Eden
In the clear dawn of the first Spring day,
When all the creatures lived at peace,
Fed from the hands of Eve and Adam.

And then, my love, we could plant anew,
Plant anew, without fear of destruction,
The sacred grove that once flourished here
Before this world was buried alive,
Buried beneath the concrete city.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
February 16th. - 17th. 2020.
Developed from a very different poem
written March 30th. 2015. - May 12th. 2017.
The image of the under city lake based on The Rose Playhouse site in Southwark.

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