Saturday, 1 February 2020

(1) Early February Daffodils. (Newly Revised). (2) Seventeen.


      Early February Daffodils.

The daffodil plants that did not bloom last year
Are now producing sleek yellow buds
In the pointed tips of the dark green sheaths

That sway awkwardly in the mild damp breeze,
Interacting with their neighbours as though in a dance
Courtly and gentle, their elegant grace

Weaving neat patterns in the morning air.
In a week or two bright yellow stars,
And wide open trumpets that never sound a note

Will be unveiled beneath an ice blue sky,
And then I shall gather the finest of the bunch
To place in the vase by your hospital bed,

The vase on the shelf beneath the high window
That faces true east to catch the sun.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
1st. - 2nd.  - 4th. February 2020.



Apparently you are now in high heals.
Tall as a flamingo. Frightening the boys.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
2nd. February 2020.

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