Monday, 10 February 2020

Wistfulness. (New Longer Version).

Cleaning my Rock n Roll bullied ears
With the sweet tones of lute and recorder
I slowly become aware
Of all the delicate sounds that thrive in the
                                         world around me
Every minute of the day,
Every moment of the year.

And when I dream of all my many friends
Who died decades before their time,
I feel their presence in the wind,
I hear their voices in the rain.

But Rock n Roll music wrecks my ears,
Makes me forget who I am,
A lonely wanderer through wintry fields
Searching for ancient memories.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
10th. - 11th.February 2020.
For Pauline, Sharon, Shelah, Zoe, Rufus, John, George, Peter, Elisabeth, Priscilla, and both Christines.

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