Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Beatrice & Benedick, Premonition of a Winter Wedding. (Completed Poem).

Lady disdain
Under the rim of your hat your eyes sparkled
Reminiscent of dancing fireflies.

You had not heard a single word of the sermon,
Nor scanned the book of my mind,
But your smile was exquisitely prescient.

It was certainly somewhat strange
That you should enter the crowded chapel
At that very moment.

The minister had just mentioned weddings
And I suddenly thought of your name
For some inexplicable reason.

Perhaps I was recalling that time
When we stood hand in hand by the river
Overawed by a black cloud of starlings.

But sometimes I manipulate a memory,
And your conduct has often proved shady
Especially to me and my friends:

And perhaps our shared interest in scrying, -
The secret trysts with a recondite gypsy, -
Was partly to blame.

I remember the cards we picked over
As we sat white with fear at her table,
Yet I rarely believed what she told me.

Your opinion however was different,
You took note of all that she whispered
To dissect her poison at leisure.

She revealed you would light up all venues,
But why should you take this as gospel
In every conceivable detail?

You are not a formidable actress
Although you danced aged nine on the telly.
You have done very little since then.

Speak truth sweet lady, slyness suits infants merely
Not adults with love on their mind:

 Fireflies light the woods at midsummer,
In winter they vanish away.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
November 10th. - 17th. 2014. - September 8th. 2015. - 
April 23rd. - September 21st. 2016. - January 14th. 2017.

This poem has taken a long time to complete; it was only when I realised the connection to Much Ado About Nothing that I could complete it. When people are truly deeply in love they so often defend themselves against the inevitable because they are more scared of losing their independence than gaining their hearts desire. But a soul mate is a true mirror and cannot be put aside.

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