Friday, 1 April 2016

(1) Don`t Deny Me This. (2) A Sad Farewell to Daniel Coffey. (Revised Ending).


When I am about to die
Put me where I can see the stars,
The moon in her perfect beauty,
The sun set - the sun rise.                   

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
September 2nd. 2018.


Farewell old rebel dancer,
Dear Breathless Dan,
King of the soft shoe shuffle,
At last you have broken loose
From the iron chains of gravity,
The locks and bars of time,
To merge with the sunless morning breeze
Sashaying through the battered Cavan trees
That often swayed in line to your Country Music
Sent pulsing through them morning night and noon
From over the hated border.

Farewell old friend,
Farewell old nifty Jiver,
No more will the winding mountain path
Be graced by the delicate lift and tread
Of your air soft blue suede shoes,
Or the birds that swoop over your cottage roof
Be out gunned by Bill Haley and his Comets.

But the lakeside farm where you spent your early childhood,
That was your proper home,
Your intimate heart of Ireland:
A rural landscape shaped by wind and rain.-
The night long rustling of the farmyard trees,
The knock of the water nudging withered reeds
The nearest things to music.-
And for ever after the picture book of your life,
That battered album of refracted dreams,
Would be opened at these pages
Packed with tattered photos;
The broad loch crowded with a flock of islands;
The horses quiet in the mist grey meadows;
The orchard red with apples.

Farewell old Rock n Roller,
Fermanagh will seem less rich and rare without you.-
The spring flowers in your garden
Droop low in the morning rain.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
March 31st. - April 1st. - May 28th. 2016.
September 2nd. 2018.
For Daniel James Coffey, great Rock n Roller and Irishman of ancient family.Born 1941.Died Easter Day morning 2016.

1 comment:

Wrecking the Suburbs.