Saturday, 29 December 2012

First Meeting.

Stunned by the sweetness of your smile
My so obsessive rushing to and fro
Has instantly become irrelevant.
We are standing still, apart, quite motionless,
Captivated by an awkward sense of wonder.

The stars this morning are (perhaps) auspicious;
Well, according to the astrologers I refer to,
Those with gaudy charts in Sunday Mags.
And being of a Quixotic disposition
I tend to by pass common sense reality.

You laugh at my inability to say a word.
The leaflets advertising life insurance
That I dropped the instant you swung wide the door
Are scattered at my feet. I shall not now retrieve them
But, in thrall to your quiet presence, I enter the well lit house.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
 September 20th. 2013. 
Revised 3rd- 4th. February 2015.

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