Wednesday, 19 December 2012

The Statuette of a Laughing Buddha.

I brought him home in a little blue box,
Mi - lo - fo, The Laughing Buddha,
Fat as Falstaff and twice as merry,
Hey merry down derry, hey merry down dee,
No fool he, Maitreya, Buddha yet to be,
Re-born to enlighten a future, a time of
That only the fortunate initiate shall see.

Laughter his wisdom, wisdom his joy,
Is it all so easy?
                         Can this possibly be? 
Should I really be sitting out in the snow 
   Under the shelter of the Bodhi Tree?

The twinkle that brightens the cup of his eye
Lightens my house, fills me with laughter
Rebellious and free,
                              ho derry down dee;
Like wine that is new his smile intoxicates me
                  Banishing my customary sobriety.

Now out of his box the whole house is his oyster
In which to meditate,        or maybe,     to roister,-

      Whilst lacking a single thought in my head,
                            I snore in bed.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
19th. December 2012.

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