Thursday, 3 January 2013

Emergency Ward Wasp, an Urban Adventure.

...............enters the Study
Unzipping the quiet spaces
With a curt buzz,
A snide bell intermittently ringing.

I am stung into action,
The Skull and Cross Bones
Now come to mind;
The pirate loops the loop.

Iron invades my soul.
The cat looks on from a safe distance.

A brass weight snatched by sweaty fingers:
A square of wall crumbles to dust:
My shoes turn white.
I had imagined a sabre splitting hairs,
Not this plummeting rubble.

The cat spins like a broken Top
Flaying the carpet.

Electric wires fizzle and pop:
Smartly the safety catch is thrown
Instigating silence.

The thermometer has lost several degrees
In less than a minute.
I carefully put down the brass weight,
Then return to my book.

The cat stretches her paws and yawns.

A small wing flickers.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter

October 24th. 2012 - January 6th. 2013. (First sketched May 20th. 1973)


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