How my life felt to me aged 10
How my life feels to me now.
Poem of The Dispossessed.
I reside where chaos and order collide
In an abstract city of concrete and steel,
The alleyways littered with junk and glass.
I balance on a knife edge of joy and fear,
Balance on the hardened point of the knife
That can dissect a man,
Skin a shark.
This is my life from hour to hour
Poised like an acrobat on a wire
Slung between two concrete spires.
The fields I romped in when a child
Too soon ploughed up to build this city.
Tonight I watch a coffin pass,
Driven in silence through wintry rain,
A plain wooden box filled with echoes
Of what a life could have been.
Echoes of days when Larks soared and sang.
Echoes of a trapped man screaming out loud.