Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Four Seasonal Poems.

The Christmas Present. 

Your book of Japanese poetry
Lay open upon my table.

Winter clouds split by sunlight,
Ice melts from my window.

                             December 25th.-26th.2012.


 Expected Reconciliation.

A face in the dusty mirror
Briefly glimpsed at sunset.

Your hand brushes my shoulder:
Jasmine blooms in the cold garden.

                               December 24th.-26th. 2012.  


             Late Autumn.

    Under pale skies we walk
    Collecting crimson apples
    To taste the sun.

                               April 26th. 1969.-December 26th. 2012. 


           New Year`s Eve.

        Being midnight
        The ants crept homeward
        Touched the grass
        With their little feet
        Leaving no prints.

                                July 1st. 1965. 

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
July 1965 - December 26th. 2012.   
A Happy Peaceful New Year, May all the kindest and best hopes and dreams come true.                

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

The Statuette of a Laughing Buddha.

I brought him home in a little blue box,
Mi - lo - fo, The Laughing Buddha,
Fat as Falstaff and twice as merry,
Hey merry down derry, hey merry down dee,
No fool he, Maitreya, Buddha yet to be,
Re-born to enlighten a future, a time of
That only the fortunate initiate shall see.

Laughter his wisdom, wisdom his joy,
Is it all so easy?
                         Can this possibly be? 
Should I really be sitting out in the snow 
   Under the shelter of the Bodhi Tree?

The twinkle that brightens the cup of his eye
Lightens my house, fills me with laughter
Rebellious and free,
                              ho derry down dee;
Like wine that is new his smile intoxicates me
                  Banishing my customary sobriety.

Now out of his box the whole house is his oyster
In which to meditate,        or maybe,     to roister,-

      Whilst lacking a single thought in my head,
                            I snore in bed.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
19th. December 2012.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Black Madonna (Revised Version).

Black Madonna
Scarred hands and twisted arms
Carved in ebony

Boy child
Created with the same ferocity
That replicated her beauty

Strong arms
Lift him to the passing throng
In a gesture taut with longing

Strong hands
Gnarled but strangely delicate
Fingers cracked by hard work

Holy infant
Made from the same hard block
Cut to create his mother

His hands are different however
Soft - reflecting the light
From the ring of votive candles

They are carved in white wood
The grain is faulty
Knots on the polished surface
Contorted like old wounds

The frail Franciscan Friar
Leans forward to kiss the rough wood
His face a mask of sorrow

Almost indifferent
I pause to light a candle
And sip some holy water
Before resuming my journey

Trevor John Karsavin Potter 
15th. August 2012. - 12th. December 2012. 
19th. July 2013.

This poem is a response to visiting the ancient Christian shrine of the Black Madonna of Willesden, North West London. The visit, my second since the image was restored, took place in August 2012, but most of the poem was written the following December.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Love & Confusion.(Revised Version).

Tasting your wine

                 Inconsolable-stung by bitterness

The December shadows deepening

                 I think of you

Holding the child towards me

A delightful dark haired girl

I caressed her hand

                  The inconsiderate crowd

Self obsessed-thronged about us

Cold shadows


Friends-in fact-are distant-strangers

 Stuck fast-in their private-thoughts

  Unaware of our selfless devotion

   They have never-really-seen us

(My thoughts are a vortex of images.
Am I here recalling a dream, 
Or reality refracted through time?)

My Love                          My Love

Your absence darkens my world view

              I miss the lilt of your laughter

The child in your arms

 It is too hard-too hard-to live-alone

Bearing the weight             of memory

Trevor John Karsavin Potter 
4th.-6th.-7th. December 2012. 

Friday, 30 November 2012

Californian Buddhist Wedding.

The cicadas in the distant gardens presaged heat.

In those moments the world seemed transfigured by hope
As we stood side by side on the tranquil beach
Hands barely touching;
The silent stars spun a glittering web beyond our niche in time.

Speaking few words
We watched the moonlight shimmering a fragile path
Upon the surface of the waters.
A magical path that few have dared to follow.

Like discarded fragments of our former lives
The stones that we collected on the shore
Were flicked across the tops of breaking waves.
Bad memories should not linger to deceive us.

Suddenly you kissed me.
A tentative kiss, like those that children give. -
Turning we climbed back up the concrete stairway
And entered the quiet house.

That morning when we whispered our solemn vows
In that Buddhist Temple high on the green hill
We had been changed forever by simple words.
No secular laws were needed then to bind us,
Only our fearless honesty.

But now grey walled Manhattan claims your time;
And here I sit and watch the London rain
Darkening the cold window.
December nights are long and strangely empty.
The distant moonlight seldom splits the clouds.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 

27th. - 30th. November 2012.
June 5th. 2014.

Friday, 23 November 2012

3 Seasons 3 Poems.- Faded Snapshots of Kyoto - Sombre Winter Poem. - Late November.


Faded Snapshots of Kyoto. 

Below us
The city seethes in heat

Within the temple garden
Even the sound of water is banished

Wavelets of grey sand brush
The ancient rocks



Sombre Winter Poem.


White water reflecting

A fractured smile

    On the grass

    Frost settles


How many winter moons to wait

Before your fingers press unbidden

The glass door


           Late November.

The mush of autumn clings to my shoes
leaf mould mixed with broken feathers.
I scrape my heal as I enter the house,
Reality            belongs           outside.

    The trees suddenly are skeletons
          Scratching a white sky -
           Summer is long gone.

Must I grow old before the Lark returns?
Never mind.    I have planted a hundred
                   Spring bulbs.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
20th. November 2012. -  23rd. November 2012.- 26th. November 2012.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Willow Pattern.

I am this shadow

You cannot hold me

Only observe the outline

Transformed into birds
We soar high above the arched bridge
Into the white sky
Briefly our song is heard
Among the Weeping Willows

The huntsman skims a stone upon the water
To shatter a fleeting image
But his aim is faulty
We have already flown far and wide
Out of reach

Later in another country
Transformed into our former selves
We sip green tea together
The simplicity of the ceremony
Instils a profound peace

Holding hands in the dark

The certainty of our love feels stronger

Than the rocks that make up the mountains

Trevor John Karsavin Potter 
19th. November 2012. The first three lines written 22nd. August 1972. 

Broken Jug / The Rose.