Monday, 19 November 2012

Willow Pattern.

I am this shadow

You cannot hold me

Only observe the outline

Transformed into birds
We soar high above the arched bridge
Into the white sky
Briefly our song is heard
Among the Weeping Willows

The huntsman skims a stone upon the water
To shatter a fleeting image
But his aim is faulty
We have already flown far and wide
Out of reach

Later in another country
Transformed into our former selves
We sip green tea together
The simplicity of the ceremony
Instils a profound peace

Holding hands in the dark

The certainty of our love feels stronger

Than the rocks that make up the mountains

Trevor John Karsavin Potter 
19th. November 2012. The first three lines written 22nd. August 1972. 

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