Thursday, 15 November 2012

3 Poems. A Slip In Time. / Clown Portrait./ Dusk Mood.


                 A Slip In Time.

I`ve revamped my space to corner some elbow room,
From convenience living to a cottage kitchen,
Eighteenth century at least.

Irregular flowers lean out of cut glass vases.
A sluggish wasp head butts the window pane.

Our household cat shunts her primeval memory,
Sometimes the weight is light,
Sometimes it weighs her down.

She misses the wasp by the breadth of a feline whisker,
A slip in time saves nine.

I prepare my frugal supper.
The potatoes are all home grown, likewise the peas.
I have adopted the simplicity of an earlier era.

But the computer remains on the table, squat and grey.
A virtual world packed into a plastic pod,
It helps me to complete my skittish poems.

A key is pressed, my space becomes a sanctuary,
Each little room a compact universe.
What can be gained if privacy is lost?



      Clown Portrait.

You requested a picture?

I have painted it.

My Clown smiles happily down
From off the back room wall
In a scintillating splatter of colour.
He certainly maketh my day
And therefore I hope that soon
He shall be making your day also,
Out shinning your Braque and Picasso;

(Don`t forget that tiny Kandinsky, 
Humour always wins the day). 

Meanwhile I can only wait
Until rejoicing I hear once more
The chimes of your voice ringing sweetly into the hallway
As you enter the quiet house.



               Dusk Mood. 

The midday heat        burns your delicate beauty
You sit in the shadows waiting for the light to fail

        I always walk out in the evenings
   The air so pure blessing the sulphor day
               Of cracked images
                 With a cool cure
            Of patient resurrections

              Hold my arm my love
      We`ll doff our caps to the swans
       Curling their necks from the sun
               Closing their wings

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
(1) October 22nd. - December 1st. 2012. (2) November 15th. 2012. (3) July 1st. 1965.

1 comment:

  1. Really like A Slip In Time - a beautifully sustained image


Wrecking the Suburbs.