Thursday, 31 March 2022

Movie Time Memories.(Revised and newly Completed Version).

The colour movies really choke me up,
They seemed so cutting edged, so packed with truths,
So real and to the point, when we first saw them
In the studio
Just a week or two after the wrap up date.
Now, half a century on, they look washed out, surreal,
Fading enigmas from a bygone age
Soaked in the yellow haze of fantasy and fiction.

We lived our lives in that world before it faded
Into legend,
A lost planet, further out than Mars - Andromeda`s
Wheels of fortune -
Where once we danced - made love in secret - ran laughing
Through Hyde Park,
The songs of Cohen and Dylan shaping the ways we thought,
Ginsberg in our duffle bags - sunflowers on our minds.

That was our year of love as we lived it, not how the films portray,
Their imagery bleached by time into a blur.
You were the flower child who sang like an angel.
I was the boy with a camera who talked for hours.
But to know you now as you were then, I simply close my eyes, 
And ignore the faulty images that the plasma screens display.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
27th. - 31st. March  - April 1st. 2022.

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