Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Goodge Street Finches.

The pub was my safe space.
I drank very little but read lots of books
As I sat quietly in the smoky forum,
Those early evenings before the music started.

I read Persian poetry - not just Omar Khayyam,
I was in love with the east, especially Azerbaijan,
The fire temples, mosques blue as the sea.
I read Anna Karenina and War and Peace,
And therefore was considered a devotee of Tolstoy
By friends who were beginning to dig into Trotsky,
Revolution being their cup of tea.
I read Alan Watts, his Way of Zen
Severely slowed down my intake of Guinness
As I puzzled and puzzled over one hand clapping.
I found out I did not have to seek beyond Europe
When I settled down to The Cloud of Unknowing,
A home grown book that opened my mind
To vistas that Buddha had yet to show me.

I have no idea how I read all these books
In the spaces between devouring rumours,
Chatting up girls and bantering with friends
Who thought I was weird because I loved books.

But I was the one at the heart of that scene
Who helped to write songs we all loved singing
When the crowds packed in after 8 pm.
When the chatting stopped and the music started.

And that is how I made sense of the nineteen sixties
Believing I could integrate fun and learning.
Believing that peace could conquer the world
With songs and books, not squaddies in trenches.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
March 8th. - 9th. 2022.

I am too angry to write about Ukraine,
Too angry and full of tears,
So until I am ready I shall write about other things,
That is when I can put clear thoughts down onto paper.,
When I know I can do good with what I write.#
God Bless Ukraine. God Bless the lovely people of Ukraine.

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