Tuesday, 22 March 2022

I Hardly Noticed Winter. (Revised).

I hardly noticed the winter this year.
A shadow passing by my bedroom window -
Yes the wind blew and took away half my fence,
But that could have happened in late August,
Or early July.
No - the winter did not impinge much upon
                                            my life this year,
Just a shadow passing by my bedroom window.

I must admit I dream a lot when I`m alone,
The past and future interacting - a riot of moving
Deep inside my brain.
Yes, I did not notice the winter much this year,
But the dreams have been more vivid than expected,
Like a sudden slap taken on the face,
Raw nerves of hope - of dread - and of contrition
Exposed to self contempt.
And a deep regret for love not understood.

I`ve never got our love right Marianne.
But your presence has impinged upon my dreams
And made me think about the paths not taken,
And the paths we took that led to loneliness.
But hope comes with the Springtime, don`t you know,
And this morning when I opened wide the curtains
The sunlight flooded deep into my rooms.
I blinked, and every shadow seemed a mirage.

Yes, I hardly noticed winter pass this year,
But this dazzling morning took me by surprise;
A brilliant dawn revealing dark interiors,
Leaving no place to hide.
Dreaming of the past is not a helpful occupation
Unless a chance of reconciliation is implied.

 Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
22nd. - 23rd. March - 5th. April 2022.

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