Thursday, 17 September 2020

Satori in the Time of Covid. (Revised)

 A sudden moment of inexplicable joy,
The sky white with light on a cold dull day.
Sad Rooks, vagabonds hunched in skeletal
Fretfully cawing:
Shoppers hooded, leaning forward into the
Unaware of the strange beauty of the sky.
The sudden white light illuminating clouds
Fat with ice crystals.

Ice is grey and black when trapped in clouds.

Sackcloth clouds have dragged in a phoney
Three long weeks before the autumn equinox
Roughs up city squares, brown fields and red
                                        brick houses
With a thief`s impunity.
The thief that sneaked in through the hall and
then cleared off fast with my phone and
comes painfully to mind.
My next door neighbour had left the back gate

My next door neighbour has plenty to answer for.

So how come this short lived moment of real joy?
This shattering joy, inexplicable and astonishing!
The clouds aglow as though lit up by fireflies.
The garden incandescent with red roses.
The morning air quite still, dream heavy, free
                                   of diesel fumes.
Time weighed down with silence - my heart beats
                                     loud and clear.
How come this interaction with Satori?
How come such peace in this year of
When I think things through I cannot find an answer,
I`ll just hunker down and get on with my day.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
September 7th. - 16th. - October 11th. 2020.

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Order and Destruction.