Tuesday, 15 September 2020

A Note for my Diary. (Newly Revised).

A book of Chinese poems on my lap
I sit in the church waiting for the clock to strike.

Today is a day for reading.
Yesterday, a day for skyping
Gave me no space to sit alone and think,
To take off my mask in a quiet and lonely corner.

I wasted many hours on the telephone
Failing to organize an on-line meeting,
But I did find time to write a ten line poem,
Which is something - I suppose.

Now I sit alone in this cold suburban church,
A book of Chinese poems on my lap.
I will have to leave when the clock strikes 2 - I`m told -
Time for prayer is strictly regulated.
I am not at prayer now - just simply being alone.
I pretend the clock aint getting on my nerves.

When the doors are locked I shall stroll into the park
And yell Tu Fu at the sulky Autumn skies.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
September 15th. - 16th. 2020. - October 11th. 2020.
December 5th. 2020. - October 9th. 2022.

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