Tuesday, 29 September 2020

(1) A Moment of Understanding. (2) Hydrangea.

A Moment of Understanding.

 The Buddha Nature within me
The Christ nature within me
Are the Holy Spirit
Are One and the Same.
Together they teach me Compassion.
Together they lead to Nirvana.
This has been so since my birth.
This has been so since before then.

Buddha within me -
Buddha before me -
Buddha beneath me -
Buddha above me.

Saint Patrick on the wind swept mountain
Saw what Bodhidharma knew.

Christ within me -
Christ before me -
Christ beneath me -
Christ above me.

Only the words are distinct - are different.
Only the words are a problem.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
29th. September 2020.


These flowers are no longer soft,
They have the texture of brown paper,
As rough to the skin as late October winds.

 Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
29th. September 2020.

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