Friday, 19 June 2020

The Mouse Transformed into a Girl. (Revised).

Falling through space is not remembered;
Trees and church towers rushing upwards;
Gulls squabbling in mid flight.
The surge of air sucking the breath
Out of lungs the size of thumb nails
As earth smiles welcome, a faithless friend,
A fraud disguising dark intentions
With arms wide open - wide as oceans,
But harder than a granite block.

Shock waves of love surge through her body,
The cupped hands of the wise magician
Now catching her - as though a blossom,
Not prey dropped from a Gannet`s beak. -
Wrapped up into a warm embrace
Love seems to change her in an instant
From back street mouse to well heeled hostess,
From lost cause to contented woman
Snug happy in her rescuers bed.

"I am glad you stayed", the magician whispered,
"And did not revert to your underworld ways".
But today she has knelt for hours by the wainscot
As though searching for a friendly face.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
19th. - 20th.June 2020.
My response to the watercolour illustration of this fable by Gustave Moreau. This is a companion piece to my poem The Cat Transformed into a Woman.

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