Wednesday, 17 June 2020

October Morning. (Revised).

I thought about you all day - today,
The sun white on your morning face
As you lay - imperious - in my tumbled bed,
Your shirt wide open to your navel,
Your smile - a crescent moon - of grace.

I studied your eyes, heavy with shadow,
Your eyes, once sad, fierce with the laughter
Of a woman who has won against all odds.
"You fought like a tigress", I whispered archly,
But I was never going to let you lose.

Is it seven long years since we hugged in the doorway?
Seven long years of phone calls and emails?
I have thought about you every day - since then.
It seems you have completely taken over my mind.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
15th. - 16th. - 17th. June 2020.

1 comment:

  1. Memory hilights certain details intensely. Others it rejects.


Wrecking the Suburbs.