Thursday, 25 June 2020

A Poem and a Song. (1) Sunburn. (2)Hyper Transitions


             Sunburn. (A Poem).

Uncovered in the sun
The record of my ancient Greek ancestry
Is etched upon my skin
By the ultra violet rays.

I am proud of this darkness,
This darkness now revealed
By the savage July heatwave
That has come a month too soon.

I did not expect such heat in verdant June
When the grass is not yet yellow
And the loganberries are coming into ripeness
Deep within the shadows of new growth.

This new growth is a sign of next years harvest,
A small link to an unimagined future
I really do not want to think about,
I prefer the comfort zone of ancient history.

The colours in my skin are my history,
Neither Slav nor dark Azeri,
But a honey mixture somewhere in - between.
The colour of my skin is who I am,

Greek and Russian - Celt and Roma Gypsy,
The people of the Central Asian steppes.
All their folk tales are chapters in my story,
From the western seas to the domes of Isfahan.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
June 25th. 2020.

    Hyper Transitions. (A Song)

Between birth and ten
All my friends were girls
I wanted to be like them
But that would mean surgery

Between ten and twenty
All my friends were men
I wanted to be like them
So out went surgery

Now I am seventy
I want to be both
A man and a woman
Elder and Younger
Buddhist and Catholic
African and Eastern
Celtic and Saxon
Settled and Gypsy

These are dreams in the soul
And the soul is transcendent
Transparent and bountiful
The conduit of love
Of wisdom and laughter
The ferocity of truth

The soul is the wound in the heart and the bone
That cannot be excised by hate or by surgery

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
June 25th. 2020. 

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