Friday, 1 May 2020

Tragic Song and Chorus. The World is my Sustainer. (Revised).


The world is my sustainer,
My true mother,
But I am not so kind,
I do not love her
And could, without due care,
Annihilate her
As easily as my goshawk snatches rodents
From between the broken branches.

This night is free of cloud,
I scan the sky
With my binoculars
To watch the dance of stars
But cannot find them.
The raw lights on the distant motorway
Dazzle my aching eyes,
They are all that I can see.


Perhaps we should abandon mega cities,
Relocate to villages and hamlets
Where neighbour cares for neighbour,
And folk are not confined to tower blocks.
Perhaps we should prohibit factory farming,
Sow meadows with wild flowers, ban pesticides,
Perhaps we should close banks and supermarkets,
Let bracken overgrow the petrol stations.


The world is my sustainer,
My sacred mother,
But I am not so kind.
I have not loved her.
I have wrecked the ozone layer, poisoned oceans,
Torn down ancient woodlands, melted glaciers.
I have clogged the mountain streams with shreds of plastic,
Turned wheatfields into deserts, incubated new diseases.

I have disrespected Mother Earth,
I have endeavoured to enslave her.
I have created a new dark age, a time of dislocation,
I cannot see the dance of stars through the city lights.
The world is my sustainer,
My tragic mother.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
October 19th. - 23rd. 2014. - April 30th. - May 1st. - 3rd. 2020.

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Wrecking the Suburbs.