Thursday, 7 May 2020

One Moment in May. (Newly Completed Poem).

The heft of your love made me be still,
The light in your eyes stung me with praise,
Pierced me with sorrow, cut me to the heart
Of all I believe, of all that I know,
Or think that I know,
When I look deep in the glass in the hall,
Or far in your eyes when you kiss me to sleep.

The heft of your love is weighted with voices,
Your history and mine extolled in unison
To make a new song, completely different
From the simple lyrics we sang in the loneliness
Of our single lives        before we had met.
A new song that lacks words, plain words cannot fathom
The depths of this love that is all that we are.

The heft of your love made me be still,
Made me take stock of the life I had led
Aimlessly searching for facile diversions
In strobe lit fairgrounds and West London flats.
This laughing boy ceased to riot and fool
From pub to pub, from party to party.
The light in your eyes stung me with praise.

The light of your love out dazzles the stars.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
8th. - 29th. May 2020.

I am using the word heft in all its meanings.

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