Friday, 28 June 2019

A Poem for Priscilla. (New Version).

Sitting in shadow
Watching the sunshine happen
In a different room,
A room with no ceiling
And full of flowers,
I think of you,
Dead in the ground four years already,
Your bright laughing eyes
Masked with peonies,
Your mouth full of smiles
Now sprouting red roses,
Your voice as quiet as a stone.
You were the first girl who took me seriously and stood by me,
Now I have no one who hears what I say.

Now the whole world is deaf to my longing,
Blind to my search for a happier life,
I am just an old codger sitting alone
In a dark little room with an FM receiver,
A Micro Wave to heat up my dinner,
An old plastic telephone.
I sit by my window and look at the flowers
In my neighbours garden, that I never can enter,
And dream of the wild guy I once used to be
Who danced with a girl with dark laughing eyes.
She was the first girl who took me seriously, she was the first girl who
                                                                                            stood by me,
Now I have no one who hears what I say.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
June 28th. 2019.

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