Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Dante and Beatrice in Florence. Poem No.2./ Dante - A Painting.

      Distilled fear terrorises this vision of perfection,
A tumult of lonely confusion snagged on the townscape
Like a fraught dream that is yet to materialise, erupt, overwhelm,
    Dissolve the quiet hinterland of the poet`s imagination
         With an abrupt squall of chaotic emotion.

      Proud Beatrice walked serenely through the city,
      Then turning briskly into the crowded courtyard
        That fronted the grand house of the Portinari,
Offered no comment as the great doors banged behind her.

Entranced by a wistful smile, Dante, her Courtly admirer,    
   Has long since come to terms with vanquished hope
And the power that her venal father has over his daughter.
The poet wept
   Then continued his lonely walk by the river Arno;
The sight of a bevy of swans for a moment consoled him,
                         Assauged his sorrow;
But his fears had already confronted that savage Inferno
   Where thwarted lovers scream out their visceral pain.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
August 7th. 2009. March 23rd. 2010.
March 11th. - 16th. - 30th. 2014. - October 7th. 2014.

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