Wednesday, 26 March 2014

(1). A Short Story.(Revised Version). (2). Hypatia of Alexandra.


                      A Short Story. (Revised Version).

The woman could not afford to bury her child.
The woman did not know the whereabouts of her husband,
nor did she care.
The woman had only herself to rely on.
The child had died unexpectedly in her sleep.
The child was six months old.
The body was kept on ice by the Undertaker for several months.
The woman worked late to earn some extra money.
When the body began to putrefy the funeral took place.
The woman could not pay the bill in full.
The Debt Collector ransacked the woman`s home.
She was left with a small box of clothes, a bed, a single ring cooker,
a pet cat, her wedding ring, some black and white photographs of her family.
The woman was then visited by the police.
The police let her go with a warning.
The woman had sold her car to pay for the funeral.
The car had been abandoned by her husband.
The woman cried in the silence of her home.
That night she considered committing suicide.
The woman was aged just forty.

This just happens to be a true story,
But you will not read about it in the Press.
The woman just happens to be a gypsy
And therefore thought to be a waste of space.

Trevor John Karsavin Potter. 
March 25th. - 26th. - 31st. 2014.


         Hypatia of Alexandria.


Black water rippling over white marble

Blood on the city streets

Locked in their orbits the distant stars look down

Ice glints on moonlit rooftops

Dogs sniffing and licking scraps of human offal

Blood on the floor of the sanctuary

Weeping Willows dropping sprigs of memory into black water

Monks wearing daggers

Astrolabes smashed into fragments

Hypatia raped and murdered inside the cathedral

Her works destroyed

Her face cut to the bone

Black water rippling over white marble

Memorials drowned in the wide sea

Trevor John Karsavin Potter.
March 24th. 2014.

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